#include "src/main.h"
#include "modvals.h"
#include "src/tandem.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | EXPORT_SCOPE |
#define | EGG_IS_MIN_VER(ver) ((ver) <= EGG_VERSION) |
#define | EGG_IS_MAX_VER(ver) ((ver) >= EGG_VERSION) |
#define | nmalloc(x) (((void *(*)())global[0])((x),MODULE_NAME,__FILE__,__LINE__)) |
#define | nfree(x) (global[1]((x),MODULE_NAME,__FILE__,__LINE__)) |
#define | Context do {} while (0) |
#define | module_rename ((int (*)(char *, char *))global[3]) |
#define | module_register ((int (*)(char *, Function *, int, int))global[4]) |
#define | module_find ((module_entry * (*)(char *,int,int))global[5]) |
#define | module_depend ((Function *(*)(char *,char *,int,int))global[6]) |
#define | module_undepend ((int(*)(char *))global[7]) |
#define | add_bind_table ((p_tcl_bind_list(*)(const char *,int,IntFunc))global[8]) |
#define | del_bind_table ((void (*) (p_tcl_bind_list))global[9]) |
#define | find_bind_table ((p_tcl_bind_list(*)(const char *))global[10]) |
#define | check_tcl_bind ((int (*) (p_tcl_bind_list,const char *,struct flag_record *,const char *, int))global[11]) |
#define | add_builtins ((int (*) (p_tcl_bind_list, cmd_t *))global[12]) |
#define | rem_builtins ((int (*) (p_tcl_bind_list, cmd_t *))global[13]) |
#define | add_tcl_commands ((void (*) (tcl_cmds *))global[14]) |
#define | rem_tcl_commands ((void (*) (tcl_cmds *))global[15]) |
#define | add_tcl_ints ((void (*) (tcl_ints *))global[16]) |
#define | rem_tcl_ints ((void (*) (tcl_ints *))global[17]) |
#define | add_tcl_strings ((void (*) (tcl_strings *))global[18]) |
#define | rem_tcl_strings ((void (*) (tcl_strings *))global[19]) |
#define | base64_to_int ((int (*) (char *))global[20]) |
#define | int_to_base64 ((char * (*) (int))global[21]) |
#define | int_to_base10 ((char * (*) (int))global[22]) |
#define | simple_sprintf ((int (*)())global[23]) |
#define | botnet_send_zapf ((void (*)(int, char *, char *, char *))global[24]) |
#define | botnet_send_zapf_broad ((void (*)(int, char *, char *, char *))global[25]) |
#define | botnet_send_unlinked ((void (*)(int, char *, char *))global[26]) |
#define | botnet_send_bye ((void(*)(void))global[27]) |
#define | botnet_send_chat ((void(*)(int,char*,char*))global[28]) |
#define | botnet_send_filereject ((void(*)(int,char*,char*,char*))global[29]) |
#define | botnet_send_filesend ((void(*)(int,char*,char*,char*))global[30]) |
#define | botnet_send_filereq ((void(*)(int,char*,char*,char*))global[31]) |
#define | botnet_send_join_idx ((void(*)(int,int))global[32]) |
#define | botnet_send_part_idx ((void(*)(int,char *))global[33]) |
#define | updatebot ((void(*)(int,char*,char,int))global[34]) |
#define | nextbot ((int (*)(char *))global[35]) |
#define | zapfbot ((void (*)(int))global[36]) |
#define | n_free ((void (*)(void *,char *, int))global[37]) |
#define | u_pass_match ((int (*)(struct userrec *,char *))global[38]) |
#define | user_malloc(x) ((void *(*)(int,char *,int))global[39])(x,__FILE__,__LINE__) |
#define | get_user ((void *(*)(struct user_entry_type *,struct userrec *))global[40]) |
#define | set_user ((int(*)(struct user_entry_type *,struct userrec *,void *))global[41]) |
#define | add_entry_type ((int (*) ( struct user_entry_type * ))global[42]) |
#define | del_entry_type ((int (*) ( struct user_entry_type * ))global[43]) |
#define | get_user_flagrec ((void (*)(struct userrec *, struct flag_record *, const char *))global[44]) |
#define | set_user_flagrec ((void (*)(struct userrec *, struct flag_record *, const char *))global[45]) |
#define | get_user_by_host ((struct userrec * (*)(char *))global[46]) |
#define | get_user_by_handle ((struct userrec *(*)(struct userrec *,char *))global[47]) |
#define | find_entry_type ((struct user_entry_type * (*) ( char * ))global[48]) |
#define | find_user_entry ((struct user_entry * (*)( struct user_entry_type *, struct userrec *))global[49]) |
#define | adduser ((struct userrec *(*)(struct userrec *,char*,char*,char*,int))global[50]) |
#define | deluser ((int (*)(char *))global[51]) |
#define | addhost_by_handle ((void (*) (char *, char *))global[52]) |
#define | delhost_by_handle ((int(*)(char *,char *))global[53]) |
#define | readuserfile ((int (*)(char *,struct userrec **))global[54]) |
#define | write_userfile ((void(*)(int))global[55]) |
#define | geticon ((char (*) (int))global[56]) |
#define | clear_chanlist ((void (*)(void))global[57]) |
#define | reaffirm_owners ((void (*)(void))global[58]) |
#define | change_handle ((int(*)(struct userrec *,char*))global[59]) |
#define | write_user ((int (*)(struct userrec *, FILE *,int))global[60]) |
#define | clear_userlist ((void (*)(struct userrec *))global[61]) |
#define | count_users ((int(*)(struct userrec *))global[62]) |
#define | sanity_check ((int(*)(int))global[63]) |
#define | break_down_flags ((void (*)(const char *,struct flag_record *,struct flag_record *))global[64]) |
#define | build_flags ((void (*)(char *, struct flag_record *, struct flag_record *))global[65]) |
#define | flagrec_eq ((int(*)(struct flag_record*,struct flag_record *))global[66]) |
#define | flagrec_ok ((int(*)(struct flag_record*,struct flag_record *))global[67]) |
#define | shareout (*(Function *)(global[68])) |
#define | dprintf (global[69]) |
#define | chatout (global[70]) |
#define | chanout_but ((void(*)())global[71]) |
#define | check_validity ((int (*) (char *,IntFunc))global[72]) |
#define | egg_list_delete ((int (*)( struct list_type **, struct list_type *))global[73]) |
#define | egg_list_append ((int (*) ( struct list_type **, struct list_type *))global[74]) |
#define | egg_list_contains ((int (*) (struct list_type *, struct list_type *))global[75]) |
#define | answer ((int (*) (int,char *,unsigned long *,unsigned short *,int))global[76]) |
#define | getmyip ((IP (*) (void))global[77]) |
#define | neterror ((void (*) (char *))global[78]) |
#define | tputs ((void (*) (int, char *,unsigned int))global[79]) |
#define | new_dcc ((int (*) (struct dcc_table *, int))global[80]) |
#define | lostdcc ((void (*) (int))global[81]) |
#define | getsock ((int (*) (int))global[82]) |
#define | killsock ((void (*) (int))global[83]) |
#define | open_listen ((int (*) (int *))global[84]) |
#define | open_telnet_dcc ((int (*) (int,char *,char *))global[85]) |
#define | get_data_ptr(x) ((void *(*)(int,char*,int))global[86])(x,__FILE__,__LINE__) |
#define | open_telnet ((int (*) (char *, int))global[87]) |
#define | check_tcl_event ((void * (*) (const char *))global[88]) |
#define | my_memcpy ((void * (*) (void *, const void *, size_t))global[89]) |
#define | my_atoul ((IP(*)(char *))global[90]) |
#define | my_strcpy ((int (*)(char *, const char *))global[91]) |
#define | dcc (*(struct dcc_t **)global[92]) |
#define | chanset (*(struct chanset_t **)(global[93])) |
#define | userlist (*(struct userrec **)global[94]) |
#define | lastuser (*(struct userrec **)(global[95])) |
#define | global_bans (*(maskrec **)(global[96])) |
#define | global_ign (*(struct igrec **)(global[97])) |
#define | password_timeout (*(int *)(global[98])) |
#define | share_greet (*(int *)global[99]) |
#define | max_dcc (*(int *)global[100]) |
#define | require_p (*(int *)global[101]) |
#define | ignore_time (*(int *)(global[102])) |
#define | reserved_port_min (*(int *)(global[104])) |
#define | reserved_port_max (*(int *)(global[105])) |
#define | raw_log (*(int *)(global[106])) |
#define | noshare (*(int *)(global[107])) |
#define | make_userfile (*(int*)global[109]) |
#define | default_flags (*(int*)global[110]) |
#define | dcc_total (*(int*)global[111]) |
#define | tempdir ((char *)(global[112])) |
#define | natip ((char *)(global[113])) |
#define | hostname ((char *)(global[114])) |
#define | origbotname ((char *)(global[115])) |
#define | botuser ((char *)(global[116])) |
#define | admin ((char *)(global[117])) |
#define | userfile ((char *)global[118]) |
#define | ver ((char *)global[119]) |
#define | notify_new ((char *)global[120]) |
#define | helpdir ((char *)global[121]) |
#define | Version ((char *)global[122]) |
#define | botnetnick ((char *)global[123]) |
#define | DCC_CHAT_PASS (*(struct dcc_table *)(global[124])) |
#define | DCC_BOT (*(struct dcc_table *)(global[125])) |
#define | DCC_LOST (*(struct dcc_table *)(global[126])) |
#define | DCC_CHAT (*(struct dcc_table *)(global[127])) |
#define | interp (*(Tcl_Interp **)(global[128])) |
#define | now (*(time_t*)global[129]) |
#define | findanyidx ((int (*)(int))global[130]) |
#define | findchan ((struct chanset_t *(*)(char *))global[131]) |
#define | cmd_die (global[132]) |
#define | days ((void (*)(time_t,time_t,char *))global[133]) |
#define | daysago ((void (*)(time_t,time_t,char *))global[134]) |
#define | daysdur ((void (*)(time_t,time_t,char *))global[135]) |
#define | ismember ((memberlist * (*) (struct chanset_t *, char *))global[136]) |
#define | newsplit ((char *(*)(char **))global[137]) |
#define | splitnick ((char *(*)(char **))global[138]) |
#define | splitc ((void (*)(char *,char *,char))global[139]) |
#define | addignore ((void (*) (char *, char *, char *,time_t))global[140]) |
#define | match_ignore ((int (*)(char *))global[141]) |
#define | delignore ((int (*)(char *))global[142]) |
#define | fatal (global[143]) |
#define | xtra_kill ((void (*)(struct user_entry *))global[144]) |
#define | xtra_unpack ((void (*)(struct userrec *, struct user_entry *))global[145]) |
#define | movefile ((int (*) (char *, char *))global[146]) |
#define | copyfile ((int (*) (char *, char *))global[147]) |
#define | do_tcl ((void (*)(char *, char *))global[148]) |
#define | readtclprog ((int (*)(const char *))global[149]) |
#define | get_language ((char *(*)(int))global[150]) |
#define | def_get ((void *(*)(struct userrec *, struct user_entry *))global[151]) |
#define | makepass ((void (*) (char *))global[152]) |
#define | wild_match ((int (*)(const char *, const char *))global[153]) |
#define | maskaddr ((void (*)(const char *, char *, int))global[154]) |
#define | show_motd ((void(*)(int))global[155]) |
#define | tellhelp ((void(*)(int, char *, struct flag_record *, int))global[156]) |
#define | showhelp ((void(*)(char *, char *, struct flag_record *, int))global[157]) |
#define | add_help_reference ((void(*)(char *))global[158]) |
#define | rem_help_reference ((void(*)(char *))global[159]) |
#define | touch_laston ((void (*)(struct userrec *,char *,time_t))global[160]) |
#define | add_mode ((void (*)(struct chanset_t *,char,char,char *))(*(Function**)(global[161]))) |
#define | rmspace ((void (*)(char *))global[162]) |
#define | in_chain ((int (*)(char *))global[163]) |
#define | add_note ((int (*)(char *,char*,char*,int,int))global[164]) |
#define | del_lang_section ((int(*)(char *))global[165]) |
#define | detect_dcc_flood ((int (*) (time_t *,struct chat_info *,int))global[166]) |
#define | flush_lines ((void(*)(int,struct chat_info*))global[167]) |
#define | expected_memory ((int(*)(void))global[168]) |
#define | tell_mem_status ((void(*)(char *))global[169]) |
#define | do_restart (*(int *)(global[170])) |
#define | check_tcl_filt ((const char *(*)(int, const char *))global[171]) |
#define | add_hook(a, b) (((void (*) (int, Function))global[172])(a,b)) |
#define | del_hook(a, b) (((void (*) (int, Function))global[173])(a,b)) |
#define | H_dcc (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[174])) |
#define | H_filt (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[175])) |
#define | H_chon (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[176])) |
#define | H_chof (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[177])) |
#define | H_load (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[178])) |
#define | H_unld (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[179])) |
#define | H_chat (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[180])) |
#define | H_act (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[181])) |
#define | H_bcst (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[182])) |
#define | H_bot (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[183])) |
#define | H_link (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[184])) |
#define | H_disc (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[185])) |
#define | H_away (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[186])) |
#define | H_nkch (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[187])) |
#define | USERENTRY_BOTADDR (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[188])) |
#define | USERENTRY_BOTFL (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[189])) |
#define | USERENTRY_HOSTS (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[190])) |
#define | USERENTRY_PASS (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[191])) |
#define | USERENTRY_XTRA (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[192])) |
#define | user_del_chan ((void(*)(char *))(global[193])) |
#define | USERENTRY_INFO (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[194])) |
#define | USERENTRY_COMMENT (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[195])) |
#define | USERENTRY_LASTON (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[196])) |
#define | putlog (global[197]) |
#define | botnet_send_chan ((void(*)(int,char*,char*,int,char*))global[198]) |
#define | list_type_kill ((void(*)(struct list_type *))global[199]) |
#define | logmodes ((int(*)(char *))global[200]) |
#define | masktype ((const char *(*)(int))global[201]) |
#define | stripmodes ((int(*)(char *))global[202]) |
#define | stripmasktype ((const char *(*)(int))global[203]) |
#define | sub_lang ((void(*)(int,char *))global[204]) |
#define | online_since (*(int *)(global[205])) |
#define | cmd_loadlanguage ((int (*)(struct userrec *,int,char *))global[206]) |
#define | check_dcc_attrs ((int (*)(struct userrec *,int))global[207]) |
#define | check_dcc_chanattrs ((int (*)(struct userrec *,char *,int,int))global[208]) |
#define | add_tcl_coups ((void (*) (tcl_coups *))global[209]) |
#define | rem_tcl_coups ((void (*) (tcl_coups *))global[210]) |
#define | botname ((char *)(global[211])) |
#define | check_tcl_chjn ((void (*) (const char *,const char *,int,char,int,const char *))global[213]) |
#define | sanitycheck_dcc ((int (*)(char *, char *, char *, char *))global[214]) |
#define | isowner ((int (*)(char *))global[215]) |
#define | rfc_casecmp ((int(*)(char *, char *))(*(Function**)(global[218]))) |
#define | rfc_ncasecmp ((int(*)(char *, char *, int *))(*(Function**)(global[219]))) |
#define | global_exempts (*(maskrec **)(global[220])) |
#define | global_invites (*(maskrec **)(global[221])) |
#define | H_event (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[224])) |
#define | use_exempts (*(int *)(global[225])) |
#define | use_invites (*(int *)(global[226])) |
#define | force_expire (*(int *)(global[227])) |
#define | add_lang_section ((void(*)(char *))global[228]) |
#define | user_realloc(x, y) ((void *(*)(void *,int,char *,int))global[229])((x),(y),__FILE__,__LINE__) |
#define | nrealloc(x, y) (((void *(*)())global[230])((x),(y),MODULE_NAME,__FILE__,__LINE__)) |
#define | xtra_set ((int(*)(struct userrec *,struct user_entry *, void *))global[231]) |
#define | ContextNote(note) do {} while (0) |
#define | Assert(expr) do {} while (0) |
#define | allocsock ((int(*)(int sock,int options))global[234]) |
#define | call_hostbyip ((void(*)(IP, char *, int))global[235]) |
#define | call_ipbyhost ((void(*)(char *, IP, int))global[236]) |
#define | iptostr ((char *(*)(IP))global[237]) |
#define | DCC_DNSWAIT (*(struct dcc_table *)(global[238])) |
#define | hostsanitycheck_dcc ((int(*)(char *, char *, IP, char *, char *))global[239]) |
#define | dcc_dnsipbyhost ((void (*)(char *))global[240]) |
#define | dcc_dnshostbyip ((void (*)(IP))global[241]) |
#define | changeover_dcc ((void (*)(int, struct dcc_table *, int))global[242]) |
#define | make_rand_str ((void (*) (char *, int))global[243]) |
#define | protect_readonly (*(int *)(global[244])) |
#define | findchan_by_dname ((struct chanset_t *(*)(char *))global[245]) |
#define | removedcc ((void (*) (int))global[246]) |
#define | userfile_perm (*(int *)global[247]) |
#define | sock_has_data ((int(*)(int, int))global[248]) |
#define | bots_in_subtree ((int (*)(tand_t *))global[249]) |
#define | users_in_subtree ((int (*)(tand_t *))global[250]) |
#define | egg_inet_aton ((int (*)(const char *cp, struct in_addr *addr))global[251]) |
#define | egg_snprintf (global[252]) |
#define | egg_vsnprintf ((int (*)(char *, size_t, const char *, va_list))global[253]) |
#define | egg_memset ((void *(*)(void *, int, size_t))global[254]) |
#define | egg_strcasecmp ((int (*)(const char *, const char *))global[255]) |
#define | egg_strncasecmp ((int (*)(const char *, const char *, size_t))global[256]) |
#define | is_file ((int (*)(const char *))global[257]) |
#define | must_be_owner (*(int *)(global[258])) |
#define | tandbot (*(tand_t **)(global[259])) |
#define | party (*(party_t **)(global[260])) |
#define | open_address_listen ((int (*)(IP addr, int *port))global[261]) |
#define | str_escape ((char *(*)(const char *, const char, const char))global[262]) |
#define | strchr_unescape ((char *(*)(char *, const char, register const char))global[263]) |
#define | str_unescape ((void (*)(char *, register const char))global[264]) |
#define | egg_strcatn ((int (*)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t max))global[265]) |
#define | clear_chanlist_member ((void (*)(const char *nick))global[266]) |
#define | fixfrom ((char *(*)(char *))global[267]) |
#define | socklist (*(struct sock_list **)global[268]) |
#define | sockoptions ((int (*)(int, int, int))global[269]) |
#define | flush_inbuf ((int (*)(int))global[270]) |
#define | kill_bot ((void (*)(char *, char *))global[271]) |
#define | quit_msg ((char *)(global[272])) |
#define | module_load ((char *(*)(char *))global[273]) |
#define | module_unload ((char *(*)(char *, char *))global[274]) |
#define | parties (*(int *)global[275]) |
#define | tell_bottree ((void (*)(int, int))global[276]) |
#define | MD5_Init ((void (*)(MD5_CTX *))global[277]) |
#define | MD5_Update ((void (*)(MD5_CTX *, void *, unsigned long))global[278]) |
#define | MD5_Final ((void (*)(unsigned char *, MD5_CTX *))global[279]) |
#define | wild_match_per ((int (*)(const char *, const char *))global[280]) |
#define | killtransfer ((void(*)(int))global[281]) |
#define | write_ignores ((int (*)(FILE *, int))global[282]) |
#define | copy_to_tmp (*(int *)(global[283])) |
#define | quiet_reject (*(int *)(global[284])) |
#define | file_readable ((int (*) (char *))global[285]) |
#define | strip_mirc_codes ((void (*)(int, char *))global[289]) |
#define | check_ansi ((int (*) (char *))global[290]) |
#define | oatoi ((int (*) (const char *))global[291]) |
#define | str_isdigit ((int (*) (const char *))global[292]) |
#define | remove_crlf ((void (*) (char **))global[293]) |
#define | addr_match ((int (*)(const char *, const char *, int, int))global[294]) |
#define | mask_match ((int (*)(const char *, const char *))global[295]) |
#define | check_conflags ((int (*) (struct flag_record *, int))global[296]) |
#define | increase_socks_max ((int (*)(void))global[297]) |
#define | LOG_TS ((char *)(global[298])) |
#define | nstrdup(x) (((char *(*)())global[299])((x),MODULE_NAME,__FILE__,__LINE__)) |
#define | maskhost(a, b) maskaddr((a),(b),3) |
#define | maskban(a, b) maskaddr((a),(b),3) |
#define | match_addr(a, b) addr_match((a),(b),0,0) |
#define | cmp_masks(a, b) addr_match((a),(b),0,1) |
#define add_bind_table ((p_tcl_bind_list(*)(const char *,int,IntFunc))global[8]) |
Definition at line 114 of file module.h.
Referenced by filesys_start(), init_bind(), irc_start(), server_start(), and transfer_start().
#define add_builtins ((int (*) (p_tcl_bind_list, cmd_t *))global[12]) |
Definition at line 119 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_start(), channels_start(), console_start(), ctcp_start(), filesys_start(), init_bind(), init_language(), init_server_ctcps(), irc_seen_setup(), irc_start(), notes_irc_setup(), notes_server_setup(), notes_start(), seen_start(), server_seen_setup(), server_start(), server_transfer_setup(), share_start(), transfer_start(), wire_join(), wire_start(), and woobie_start().
#define add_entry_type ((int (*) ( struct user_entry_type * ))global[42]) |
Definition at line 156 of file module.h.
Referenced by console_start(), filesys_start(), init_userent(), notes_start(), and transfer_start().
#define add_help_reference ((void(*)(char *))global[158]) |
Definition at line 301 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_start(), channels_start(), compress_start(), console_start(), ctcp_start(), filesys_start(), irc_start(), main(), notes_start(), reload_help_data(), seen_start(), server_start(), share_start(), tcl_loadhelp(), transfer_start(), uptime_start(), and wire_start().
#define add_hook | ( | a, | |||
b | ) | (((void (*) (int, Function))global[172])(a,b)) |
Definition at line 319 of file module.h.
Referenced by blowfish_start(), channels_start(), check_minutely(), check_secondly(), dns_start(), do_nettype(), irc_start(), main(), notes_start(), server_start(), share_start(), traced_rfccompliant(), and uptime_start().
#define add_lang_section ((void(*)(char *))global[228]) |
Definition at line 389 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_start(), cmd_loadlanguage(), cmd_plslsec(), console_start(), filesys_start(), init_language(), notes_start(), transfer_start(), and wire_start().
Definition at line 305 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_delay(), check_exemptlist(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), check_this_ban(), check_this_member(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deop(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_op(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_voice(), do_mask(), flush_modes(), got_ban(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_exempt(), got_halfop(), got_invite(), got_key(), got_op(), got_unban(), got_unexempt(), got_uninvite(), gotjoin(), gotmode(), msg_halfop(), msg_op(), msg_voice(), punish_badguy(), recheck_bans(), recheck_channel_modes(), recheck_exempts(), recheck_invites(), refresh_ban_kick(), and resetmasks().
#define add_note ((int (*)(char *,char*,char*,int,int))global[164]) |
Definition at line 309 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_note(), bot_priv(), bot_reject(), cmd_note(), dcc_telnet_new(), dcc_telnet_pw(), failed_link(), msg_hello(), and tcl_sendnote().
#define add_tcl_commands ((void (*) (tcl_cmds *))global[14]) |
Definition at line 121 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_start(), blowfish_start(), channels_start(), compress_start(), filesys_start(), init_language(), init_tcl(), irc_start(), notes_start(), server_start(), and transfer_start().
#define add_tcl_coups ((void (*) (tcl_coups *))global[209]) |
Definition at line 365 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_start(), init_traces(), and server_start().
#define add_tcl_ints ((void (*) (tcl_ints *))global[16]) |
Definition at line 124 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_start(), compress_start(), console_start(), ctcp_start(), dns_start(), filesys_start(), init_traces(), irc_start(), notes_start(), server_start(), share_start(), and transfer_start().
#define add_tcl_strings ((void (*) (tcl_strings *))global[18]) |
Definition at line 126 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_start(), ctcp_start(), dns_start(), filesys_start(), init_traces(), irc_start(), notes_start(), server_start(), and share_start().
#define addhost_by_handle ((void (*) (char *, char *))global[52]) |
Definition at line 169 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_bot_hostmask(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_pls_bot(), cmd_pls_host(), hosts_tcl_set(), msg_addhost(), and msg_ident().
#define addignore ((void (*) (char *, char *, char *,time_t))global[140]) |
Definition at line 279 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_pls_ignore(), detect_flood(), detect_telnet_flood(), gotmsg(), share_pls_ignore(), and tcl_newignore().
#define addr_match ((int (*)(const char *, const char *, int, int))global[294]) |
Definition at line 166 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_adduser(), cmd_pls_bot(), cmd_pls_user(), dcc_telnet_new(), dup_userlist(), main(), msg_hello(), punish_badguy(), share_change(), share_newuser(), share_pls_bothost(), tcl_addbot(), and tcl_adduser().
#define admin ((char *)(global[117])) |
Definition at line 250 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), do_seen(), help_subst(), msg_status(), remote_tell_who(), and tell_verbose_status().
#define allocsock ((int(*)(int sock,int options))global[234]) |
Definition at line 407 of file module.h.
Referenced by init_dns_network().
#define answer ((int (*) (int,char *,unsigned long *,unsigned short *,int))global[76]) |
Definition at line 199 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_get_pending(), and dcc_telnet().
#define base64_to_int ((int (*) (char *))global[20]) |
Definition at line 129 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_actchan(), bot_away(), bot_chan2(), bot_idle(), bot_join(), bot_nickchange(), bot_nlinked(), bot_part(), bot_update(), and bot_who().
#define botname ((char *)(global[211])) |
Definition at line 367 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_act(), cmd_channel(), cmd_say(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), do_channel_part(), enforce_bans(), expired_mask(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), got001(), got303(), got315(), got432(), got433(), got437(), got_ban(), gotfake433(), gotkick(), gotnick(), gotnotice(), gotquit(), help_subst(), match_my_nick(), me_halfop(), me_op(), me_voice(), minutely_checks(), msg_hello(), msg_help(), msg_info(), msg_invite(), msg_key(), msg_status(), msg_who(), msg_whois(), server_postrehash(), server_prerehash(), server_report(), server_resolve_success(), and server_start().
#define botnet_send_bye ((void(*)(void))global[27]) |
Definition at line 137 of file module.h.
Referenced by kill_bot(), and msg_die().
#define botnet_send_chan ((void(*)(int,char*,char*,int,char*))global[198]) |
Definition at line 351 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_chan2(), console_chon(), and dcc_chat().
#define botnet_send_chat ((void(*)(int,char*,char*))global[28]) |
Definition at line 139 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_chat(), got_term(), kill_bot(), and msg_die().
#define botnet_send_filereject ((void(*)(int,char*,char*,char*))global[29]) |
Definition at line 140 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_filereject(), and remote_filereq().
#define botnet_send_filereq ((void(*)(int,char*,char*,char*))global[31]) |
Definition at line 142 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_filereq(), cmd_reget_get(), and files_reget().
#define botnet_send_filesend ((void(*)(int,char*,char*,char*))global[30]) |
Definition at line 141 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_filesend(), and remote_filereq().
#define botnet_send_join_idx ((void(*)(int,int))global[32]) |
Definition at line 144 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_dcc_attrs(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), cmd_chat(), cmd_files(), console_chon(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_chatter(), dcc_files(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_script(), eof_dcc_relay(), and welcome_to_files().
#define botnet_send_part_idx ((void(*)(int,char *))global[33]) |
Definition at line 145 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_chat(), cmd_files(), cmd_su(), cont_tandem_relay(), dcc_chat(), detect_dcc_flood(), do_boot(), and eof_dcc_chat().
#define botnet_send_unlinked ((void (*)(int, char *, char *))global[26]) |
Definition at line 136 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_bye(), bot_linked(), bot_nlinked(), bot_reject(), bot_thisbot(), bot_unlink(), bot_unlinked(), botunlink(), check_botnet_pings(), cont_link(), eof_dcc_bot(), and zapfbot().
#define botnet_send_zapf ((void (*)(int, char *, char *, char *))global[24]) |
Definition at line 134 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_zapf(), botnet_send_assoc(), and link_assoc().
#define botnet_send_zapf_broad ((void (*)(int, char *, char *, char *))global[25]) |
Definition at line 135 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_zapfbroad(), cmd_onwire(), cmd_putwire(), wire_join(), and wire_leave().
#define botnetnick ((char *)global[123]) |
Definition at line 257 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_note(), addbot(), answer_local_whom(), append_line(), bot_filereject(), bot_filereq(), bot_filesend(), bot_infoq(), bot_link(), bot_motd(), bot_nlinked(), bot_priv(), bot_reject(), bot_trace(), bot_traced(), bot_unlink(), bot_version(), bot_versions(), bot_who(), bot_zapf(), botlink(), botnet_change(), botnet_send_assoc(), botnet_send_join_idx(), botnet_send_nkch(), botnet_send_part_idx(), botnet_send_trace(), chanprog(), check_botnet_pings(), cmd_boot(), cmd_botinfo(), cmd_chat(), cmd_chhandle(), cmd_handle(), cmd_link(), cmd_me(), cmd_modules(), cmd_motd(), cmd_onwire(), cmd_pls_user(), cmd_putwire(), cmd_reget_get(), cmd_trace(), cmd_unlink(), cmd_who(), cmd_whoami(), console_chon(), cont_link(), cont_tandem_relay(), dcc_bot_check_digest(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chatter(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_script(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_new(), dcc_telnet_pass(), dcc_telnet_pw(), detect_chan_flood(), detect_flood(), dump_links(), eof_dcc_chat(), eof_dcc_relay(), failed_link(), fake_alert(), filedb_setlink(), filedb_update(), files_reget(), got_term(), gotmsg(), gotnotice(), help_subst(), in_chain(), kill_bot(), lastbot(), link_assoc(), main(), mainloop(), msg_die(), msg_hello(), msg_status(), not_away(), pre_relay(), punish_badguy(), remote_filereq(), remote_tell_who(), restart_chons(), seen_start(), send_uptime(), set_away(), share_ufsend(), show_banner(), show_motd(), sub_lang(), tandem_relay(), tcl_chhandle(), tcl_eggstr(), tcl_unloadmodule(), tell_bots(), tell_bottree(), tell_settings(), tell_verbose_status(), wire_filter(), wire_join(), wire_leave(), write_bans(), write_channels(), write_exempts(), write_invites(), and write_tmp_userfile().
#define bots_in_subtree ((int (*)(tand_t *))global[249]) |
Definition at line 426 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_bye(), bot_linked(), bots_in_subtree(), botunlink(), check_botnet_pings(), cont_link(), eof_dcc_bot(), and zapfbot().
#define botuser ((char *)(global[116])) |
Definition at line 249 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), server_resolve_success(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), and u_addinvite().
#define break_down_flags ((void (*)(const char *,struct flag_record *,struct flag_record *))global[64]) |
Definition at line 184 of file module.h.
Referenced by bind_bind_entry(), botfl_tcl_set(), botfl_unpack(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_mkdir(), convert_old_files(), filedb_ls(), help_subst(), private_globals_bitmask(), resolve_dir(), share_chattr(), share_newuser(), tcl_botattr(), tcl_chattr(), tcl_eggint(), tcl_matchattr(), and tcl_userlist().
#define build_flags ((void (*)(char *, struct flag_record *, struct flag_record *))global[65]) |
Definition at line 185 of file module.h.
Referenced by botfl_display(), botfl_pack(), botfl_tcl_get(), botfl_write_userfile(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_mkdir(), convert_old_files(), global(), set_user_flagrec(), share_chattr(), share_newuser(), start_sending_users(), tcl_binds(), tcl_botattr(), tcl_chattr(), tcl_eggint(), and tell_settings().
#define call_hostbyip ((void(*)(IP, char *, int))global[235]) |
Definition at line 408 of file module.h.
Referenced by block_dns_hostbyip(), dns_event_failure(), and dns_event_success().
#define call_ipbyhost ((void(*)(char *, IP, int))global[236]) |
Definition at line 410 of file module.h.
Referenced by block_dns_ipbyhost(), dns_event_failure(), dns_event_success(), and dns_forward().
#define change_handle ((int(*)(struct userrec *,char*))global[59]) |
Definition at line 177 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_thisbot(), cmd_chhandle(), cmd_handle(), share_chhand(), and tcl_chhandle().
#define changeover_dcc ((void (*)(int, struct dcc_table *, int))global[242]) |
Definition at line 417 of file module.h.
Referenced by botlink_resolve_success(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dcc_telnet_pass(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), server_resolve_success(), and tandem_relay_resolve_success().
#define chanout_but ((void(*)())global[71]) |
Definition at line 192 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_actchan(), bot_away(), bot_chan2(), bot_join(), bot_nickchange(), bot_part(), check_dcc_attrs(), cmd_assoc(), cmd_chat(), cmd_files(), cmd_su(), console_chon(), cont_tandem_relay(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_chatter(), dcc_files(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_script(), detect_dcc_flood(), do_boot(), eof_dcc_chat(), eof_dcc_relay(), not_away(), set_away(), and welcome_to_files().
Definition at line 220 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_chon(), channels_expmem(), channels_report(), chanset_unlink(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), check_this_user(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_reset(), cmd_stick_yn(), connect_server(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), do_seen(), finish_share(), flush_modes(), got001(), gotnick(), gotquit(), irc_close(), irc_report(), irc_start(), kill_server(), minutely_checks(), msg_go(), msg_halfop(), msg_hello(), msg_invite(), msg_op(), msg_reset(), msg_status(), msg_voice(), msg_whois(), read_channels(), share_chattr(), share_mns_ban(), share_mns_exempt(), share_mns_invite(), status_log(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), tell_invites(), write_bans(), write_channels(), write_exempts(), and write_invites().
#define chatout (global[70]) |
Definition at line 191 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_bye(), bot_chat(), bot_linked(), bot_nlinked(), bot_reject(), bot_thisbot(), bot_unlinked(), bot_version(), botunlink(), check_botnet_pings(), cont_link(), eof_dcc_bot(), kill_bot(), msg_die(), and zapfbot().
#define check_ansi ((int (*) (char *))global[290]) |
Definition at line 481 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_chat().
#define check_conflags ((int (*) (struct flag_record *, int))global[296]) |
Definition at line 489 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_dcc_attrs(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), cmd_console(), and console_chon().
#define check_dcc_attrs ((int (*)(struct userrec *,int))global[207]) |
Definition at line 362 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_chattr(), dcc_telnet_new(), share_chattr(), and tcl_chattr().
#define check_dcc_chanattrs ((int (*)(struct userrec *,char *,int,int))global[208]) |
Definition at line 364 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_chattr(), share_chattr(), and tcl_chattr().
#define check_tcl_bind ((int (*) (p_tcl_bind_list,const char *,struct flag_record *,const char *, int))global[11]) |
Definition at line 117 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_tcl_ctcpr(), check_tcl_fil(), check_tcl_flud(), check_tcl_msg(), check_tcl_msgm(), check_tcl_notc(), check_tcl_out(), check_tcl_raw(), check_tcl_raw4(), and check_tcl_wall().
#define check_tcl_chjn ((void (*) (const char *,const char *,int,char,int,const char *))global[213]) |
Definition at line 370 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_join(), cmd_chat(), console_chon(), dcc_chatter(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_script(), eof_dcc_relay(), and restart_chons().
#define check_tcl_event ((void * (*) (const char *))global[88]) |
Definition at line 214 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), connect_server(), disconnect_server(), event_loaded(), event_logfile(), event_prerehash(), event_rehash(), event_save(), finish_share(), got001(), got_hup(), got_ill(), got_quit(), got_term(), mainloop(), reload(), and tcl_callevent().
#define check_tcl_filt ((const char *(*)(int, const char *))global[171]) |
Definition at line 317 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_chat(), dcc_files(), and got_files_cmd().
#define check_validity ((int (*) (char *,IntFunc))global[72]) |
#define clear_chanlist ((void (*)(void))global[57]) |
#define clear_chanlist_member ((void (*)(const char *nick))global[266]) |
#define clear_userlist ((void (*)(struct userrec *))global[61]) |
Definition at line 180 of file module.h.
Referenced by finish_share(), rehash(), reload(), and start_sending_users().
#define cmd_loadlanguage ((int (*)(struct userrec *,int,char *))global[206]) |
#define cmp_masks | ( | a, | |||
b | ) | addr_match((a),(b),0,1) |
#define copy_to_tmp (*(int *)(global[283])) |
Definition at line 472 of file module.h.
Referenced by do_dcc_send(), killtransfer(), remote_filereq(), send_next_file(), and wipe_tmp_filename().
#define copyfile ((int (*) (char *, char *))global[147]) |
Definition at line 287 of file module.h.
Referenced by backup_chanfile(), backup_userfile(), cmd_mv_cp(), do_dcc_send(), movefile(), remote_filereq(), and send_next_file().
#define count_users ((int(*)(struct userrec *))global[62]) |
Definition at line 181 of file module.h.
Referenced by main(), msg_status(), tcl_countusers(), and tell_verbose_status().
Definition at line 270 of file module.h.
Referenced by answer_local_whom(), bot_infoq(), cmd_botinfo(), days(), daysago(), daysdur(), display_ban(), display_exempt(), display_invite(), ftime_tm_diff(), remote_tell_who(), strftime(), and tell_who().
Definition at line 271 of file module.h.
Referenced by display_ban(), display_exempt(), and display_invite().
Definition at line 272 of file module.h.
Referenced by server_report().
Definition at line 219 of file module.h.
Referenced by _dcc_send(), at_limit(), botnet_send_assoc(), cancel_user_xfer(), channels_chon(), channels_report(), check_expired_tbufs(), check_tcl_fil(), chof_wire(), cmd_act(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_assoc(), cmd_bans(), cmd_cancel(), cmd_chaninfo(), cmd_chanload(), cmd_channel(), cmd_chansave(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_chdir(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_clearqueue(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_deop(), cmd_desc(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_dump(), cmd_exempts(), cmd_file_help(), cmd_files(), cmd_filestats(), cmd_fwd(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_hide(), cmd_info(), cmd_invite(), cmd_invites(), cmd_jump(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_ln(), cmd_mkdir(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_chan(), cmd_mns_chrec(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_mns_noteign(), cmd_msg(), cmd_mv_cp(), cmd_note(), cmd_noteigns(), cmd_notes(), cmd_onwire(), cmd_op(), cmd_optimize(), cmd_pending(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_chan(), cmd_pls_chrec(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_pls_noteign(), cmd_putwire(), cmd_pwd(), cmd_reget_get(), cmd_reset(), cmd_resetbans(), cmd_resetexempts(), cmd_resetinvites(), cmd_rm(), cmd_rmdir(), cmd_say(), cmd_servers(), cmd_share(), cmd_stats(), cmd_stick_yn(), cmd_topic(), cmd_unhide(), cmd_unshare(), cmd_voice(), cmd_wire(), cmd_woobie(), connect_server(), console_chon(), console_display(), console_dostore(), console_store(), ctcp_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_RESUME(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_files(), dcc_files_pass(), dcc_fork_send(), dcc_get_pending(), dcc_seen(), disconnect_server(), dns_close(), dns_start(), do_dcc_send(), do_seen(), dump_resync(), eof_dns_socket(), eof_server(), filedb_ls(), fileq_cancel(), files_ls(), files_reget(), files_setpwd(), filesys_close(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), filesys_note(), finish_share(), fwd_display(), get_channel(), gotmode(), has_op(), has_oporhalfop(), hook_read_userfile(), irc_report(), link_assoc(), raw_dcc_resend_send(), remote_filereq(), resolve_dir(), send_uptime(), server_activity(), server_report(), server_resolve_failure(), server_resolve_success(), share_change(), share_chattr(), share_chchinfo(), share_chhand(), share_close(), share_end(), share_endstartup(), share_killuser(), share_mns_ban(), share_mns_banchan(), share_mns_chrec(), share_mns_exempt(), share_mns_exemptchan(), share_mns_host(), share_mns_ignore(), share_mns_invite(), share_mns_invitechan(), share_newuser(), share_pls_ban(), share_pls_banchan(), share_pls_bothost(), share_pls_chrec(), share_pls_exempt(), share_pls_exemptchan(), share_pls_host(), share_pls_ignore(), share_pls_invite(), share_pls_invitechan(), share_report(), share_resync(), share_resync_no(), share_resyncq(), share_stick_ban(), share_stick_exempt(), share_stick_invite(), share_ufno(), share_ufsend(), share_ufyes(), share_userfileq(), share_version(), shareout_but(), shareout_mod(), show_queued_files(), start_sending_users(), tcl_eggserver(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), tell_invites(), timeout_server(), too_many_filers(), transfer_close(), uf_features_check(), uf_features_parse(), uff_call_receiving(), uff_call_sending(), uff_comp(), uff_uncomp(), welcome_to_files(), wipe_tmp_filename(), wire_filter(), wire_join(), wire_leave(), write_bans(), write_exempts(), write_invites(), and write_tmp_userfile().
Definition at line 260 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_version(), botnet_send_assoc(), botunlink(), check_botnet_pings(), check_dcc_attrs(), free_dcc_bot_(), nextbot(), remote_tell_who(), send_tand_but(), share_close(), share_report(), share_start(), tcl_getting_users(), and tell_who().
Definition at line 262 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_note(), answer_local_whom(), append_line(), channels_chon(), check_dcc_attrs(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), cmd_console(), cmd_files(), cmd_strip(), console_chon(), cont_tandem_relay(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_chatter(), dcc_files(), dcc_relaying(), do_boot(), dump_links(), EGG_VARARGS_DEF(), eof_dcc_relay(), expmem_relay(), failed_tandem_relay(), kill_relay(), main(), out_relay(), pre_relay(), putlog(), restart_chons(), tandem_relay_resolve_failure(), and tell_who().
#define DCC_CHAT_PASS (*(struct dcc_table *)(global[124])) |
Definition at line 259 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_su(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), and dcc_chat_hostresolved().
#define dcc_dnshostbyip ((void (*)(IP))global[241]) |
Definition at line 416 of file module.h.
Referenced by ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_telnet(), and filesys_dcc_send().
#define dcc_dnsipbyhost ((void (*)(char *))global[240]) |
Definition at line 415 of file module.h.
Referenced by botlink(), connect_server(), and tandem_relay().
#define DCC_DNSWAIT (*(struct dcc_table *)(global[238])) |
Definition at line 412 of file module.h.
Referenced by botlink(), connect_server(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_telnet(), failed_pre_relay(), filesys_dcc_send(), pre_relay(), and tandem_relay().
Definition at line 261 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_remove_lost(), and lostdcc().
#define dcc_total (*(int*)global[111]) |
Definition at line 242 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_note(), answer_local_whom(), at_limit(), bot_filereject(), bot_reject(), bot_traced(), botlink(), botnet_send_assoc(), botunlink(), cancel_user_xfer(), check_botnet_pings(), check_dcc_attrs(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), check_dcclist_hand(), check_expired_dcc(), check_expired_tbufs(), cmd_banner(), cmd_boot(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_console(), cmd_me(), cmd_mns_chan(), cmd_mns_user(), cmd_simul(), cmd_strip(), cont_link(), cont_tandem_relay(), ctcp_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chatter(), dcc_files(), dcc_ident(), dcc_remove_lost(), dcc_telnet(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dns_close(), dns_dcchostbyip(), dns_dccipbyhost(), do_seen(), dump_links(), dupwait_notify(), EGG_VARARGS_DEF(), eof_dcc_ident(), eof_dcc_identwait(), eof_dcc_relay(), expmem_dccutil(), failed_pre_relay(), failed_tandem_relay(), fatal(), fileq_cancel(), filesys_close(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), findanyidx(), findidx(), finish_share(), greet_new_bot(), hook_read_userfile(), killtransfer(), mainloop(), new_dcc(), nextbot(), pre_relay(), putlog(), remote_filereq(), remote_tell_who(), removedcc(), restart_chons(), send_tand_but(), share_close(), share_report(), share_ufsend(), share_userfileq(), shareout_but(), shareout_mod(), show_queued_files(), start_sending_users(), tandem_relay_resolve_failure(), tcl_getting_users(), tell_dcc(), tell_who(), too_many_filers(), void(), and wipe_tmp_filename().
#define def_get ((void *(*)(struct userrec *, struct user_entry *))global[151]) |
Definition at line 292 of file module.h.
Referenced by console_start(), and transfer_start().
#define default_flags (*(int*)global[110]) |
Definition at line 241 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_telnet_new(), global(), msg_hello(), tcl_adduser(), tcl_eggint(), and tell_settings().
#define del_bind_table ((void (*) (p_tcl_bind_list))global[9]) |
Definition at line 115 of file module.h.
Referenced by filesys_close(), irc_close(), server_close(), and transfer_close().
#define del_entry_type ((int (*) ( struct user_entry_type * ))global[43]) |
Definition at line 157 of file module.h.
Referenced by console_close(), filesys_close(), notes_close(), and transfer_close().
#define del_hook | ( | a, | |||
b | ) | (((void (*) (int, Function))global[173])(a,b)) |
Definition at line 320 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_close(), check_minutely(), check_secondly(), dns_close(), irc_close(), notes_close(), server_close(), and share_close().
#define del_lang_section ((int(*)(char *))global[165]) |
Definition at line 310 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_close(), cmd_mnslsec(), console_close(), filesys_close(), notes_close(), transfer_close(), and wire_close().
#define delhost_by_handle ((int(*)(char *,char *))global[53]) |
Definition at line 170 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_mns_host(), share_mns_host(), and tcl_delhost().
#define delignore ((int (*)(char *))global[142]) |
Definition at line 281 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_mns_ignore(), finish_share(), share_mns_ignore(), tcl_killignore(), and void().
#define deluser ((int (*)(char *))global[51]) |
Definition at line 167 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_deluser(), cmd_mns_user(), eof_dcc_telnet_pw(), share_killuser(), and tcl_deluser().
Definition at line 311 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_chat(), and dcc_files().
#define do_restart (*(int *)(global[170])) |
Definition at line 316 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_rehash(), cmd_restart(), got_hup(), mainloop(), and msg_rehash().
#define do_tcl ((void (*)(char *, char *))global[148]) |
Definition at line 289 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_lonely_channel(), connect_server(), do_check_timers(), got001(), got352or4(), got471(), got473(), got474(), got475(), and got_deop().
#define dprintf (global[69]) |
Definition at line 190 of file module.h.
Referenced by _dcc_send(), add_bot_hostmask(), add_note(), answer_local_whom(), blowfish_report(), bot_bye(), bot_filereject(), bot_filesend(), bot_nlinked(), bot_old_userfile(), bot_reject(), bot_thisbot(), bot_traced(), bot_version(), bot_versions(), botaddr_display(), botfl_display(), botlink(), botunlink(), channels_report(), check_botnet_pings(), check_dcc_attrs(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_tbufs(), check_lonely_channel(), check_tcl_fil(), check_this_member(), cmd_act(), cmd_addlog(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_assoc(), cmd_backup(), cmd_banner(), cmd_boot(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_botinfo(), cmd_cancel(), cmd_chaddr(), cmd_chaninfo(), cmd_chanload(), cmd_channel(), cmd_chansave(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_chat(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_chdir(), cmd_chhandle(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_chpass(), cmd_clearqueue(), cmd_comment(), cmd_console(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_deop(), cmd_desc(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_dump(), cmd_echo(), cmd_exempts(), cmd_files(), cmd_filestats(), cmd_fixcodes(), cmd_flush(), cmd_fwd(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_handle(), cmd_hide(), cmd_info(), cmd_invite(), cmd_invites(), cmd_jump(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_languagedump(), cmd_languagestatus(), cmd_link(), cmd_ln(), cmd_loadlanguage(), cmd_loadmod(), cmd_match(), cmd_me(), cmd_mkdir(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_chan(), cmd_mns_chrec(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_host(), cmd_mns_ignore(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_mns_noteign(), cmd_mns_user(), cmd_mnslang(), cmd_mnslsec(), cmd_modules(), cmd_motd(), cmd_msg(), cmd_mv_cp(), cmd_newpass(), cmd_note(), cmd_noteigns(), cmd_notes(), cmd_onwire(), cmd_op(), cmd_optimize(), cmd_page(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_bot(), cmd_pls_chan(), cmd_pls_chrec(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_host(), cmd_pls_ignore(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_pls_noteign(), cmd_pls_user(), cmd_plslang(), cmd_plslsec(), cmd_pwd(), cmd_reget_get(), cmd_rehash(), cmd_rehelp(), cmd_relang(), cmd_relay(), cmd_reload(), cmd_reset(), cmd_resetbans(), cmd_resetexempts(), cmd_resetinvites(), cmd_restart(), cmd_rm(), cmd_rmdir(), cmd_save(), cmd_say(), cmd_servers(), cmd_set(), cmd_share(), cmd_simul(), cmd_status(), cmd_stick_yn(), cmd_strip(), cmd_su(), cmd_tcl(), cmd_topic(), cmd_trace(), cmd_traffic(), cmd_unhide(), cmd_unlink(), cmd_unloadmod(), cmd_unshare(), cmd_voice(), cmd_who(), cmd_whoami(), cmd_whois(), cmd_whom(), cmd_wire(), cmd_wirelist(), cmd_woobie(), comment_display(), compress_report(), console_display(), console_store(), cont_link(), cont_tandem_relay(), core_secondly(), ctcp_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_RESUME(), dcc_bot_digest(), dcc_bot_new(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_files(), dcc_files_pass(), dcc_get_pending(), dcc_relay(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_telnet(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_new(), dcc_telnet_pass(), dcc_telnet_pw(), debug_help(), debug_mem_to_dcc(), def_display(), detect_chan_flood(), detect_dcc_flood(), display_ban(), display_exempt(), display_invite(), display_tellhelp(), dns_report(), do_boot(), do_channel_part(), do_dcc_send(), do_seen(), dump_assoc(), dump_resync(), dumplots(), EGG_VARARGS_DEF(), eof_dcc_relay(), failed_tandem_relay(), fake_alert(), filedb_ls(), filelist_idxshow(), fileq_cancel(), files_ls(), files_reget(), filesys_close(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), filesys_note(), filesys_report(), flush_mode(), fstat_display(), fwd_display(), get_channel(), got001(), got303(), got315(), got324(), got403(), got432(), got442(), got475(), gotfake433(), gotinvite(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnick(), gotnotice(), gotpart(), gotping(), gotquit(), greet_new_bot(), has_op(), has_oporhalfop(), hook_read_userfile(), hosts_display(), irc_close(), irc_report(), irc_start(), kick_all(), main(), minutely_checks(), msg_addhost(), msg_die(), msg_go(), msg_hello(), msg_help(), msg_ident(), msg_info(), msg_invite(), msg_jump(), msg_key(), msg_memory(), msg_pass(), msg_rehash(), msg_reset(), msg_save(), msg_status(), msg_who(), msg_whois(), not_away(), notes_report(), nuke_server(), null_share(), pre_relay(), punish_badguy(), putlog(), raw_dcc_resend_send(), recheck_channel(), refresh_who_chan(), reset_chan_info(), seen_report(), send_next_file(), server_5minutely(), server_die(), server_postrehash(), server_report(), server_resolve_success(), set_away(), share_close(), share_report(), share_resync_no(), share_resyncq(), share_ufsend(), share_userfileq(), share_version(), show_banner(), show_motd(), show_queued_files(), showhelp(), start_sending_users(), status_tbufs(), sub_lang(), tandem_relay(), tandem_relay_resolve_failure(), tell_bans(), tell_bots(), tell_bottree(), tell_dcc(), tell_exempts(), tell_file_stats(), tell_invites(), tell_mem_status(), tell_mem_status_dcc(), tell_settings(), tell_verbose_status(), tell_verbose_uptime(), tell_who(), tellallhelp(), tellhelp(), tellwildhelp(), timeout_dcc_telnet_id(), timeout_dupwait(), tout_dcc_chat_pass(), tout_dcc_telnet_new(), tout_dcc_telnet_pw(), transfer_report(), uf_features_check(), uf_features_parse(), uptime_report(), welcome_to_files(), wire_close(), wire_display(), wire_filter(), wire_join(), wire_leave(), wire_report(), and woobie_report().
#define egg_inet_aton ((int (*)(const char *cp, struct in_addr *addr))global[251]) |
Definition at line 428 of file module.h.
Referenced by block_dns_ipbyhost(), dns_change(), dns_forward(), and init_dns_network().
Definition at line 196 of file module.h.
Referenced by dup_userlist(), and next_server().
Definition at line 195 of file module.h.
Referenced by share_change(), and tcl_setuser().
#define egg_memset ((void *(*)(void *, int, size_t))global[254]) |
Definition at line 432 of file module.h.
Referenced by init_uptime(), is_compressedfile(), MD5_Final(), and n_malloc_null().
#define egg_snprintf (global[252]) |
Definition at line 430 of file module.h.
Referenced by _get_data_ptr(), add_bot_hostmask(), add_help_reference(), answer_local_whom(), backup_chanfile(), backup_userfile(), bot_version(), chanprog(), check_logsize(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_chaninfo(), cmd_channel(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_deop(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_die(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_op(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_servers(), cmd_stick_yn(), cmd_voice(), compress_to_file(), cont_link(), core_secondly(), dcc_bot_check_digest(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_fork_send(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), deq_kick(), detect_dcc_flood(), do_boot(), do_check_timers(), eof_dcc_bot(), failed_link(), fstat_pack(), fstat_tcl_get(), get_language(), getnick(), got311(), got_ban(), gotjoin(), gotmsg(), help_subst(), list_timers(), main(), msg_die(), msg_hello(), msg_ident(), msg_who(), msg_whois(), parse_q(), pub_seen(), purge_kicks(), putlog(), refresh_ban_kick(), resolve_help(), server_report(), share_ufsend(), start_sending_users(), tcl_binds(), tcl_die(), tcl_eggcouplet(), tcl_eggint(), tcl_eggserver(), tcl_eggstr(), tcl_ignorelist(), tcl_modules(), tcl_myip(), tcl_rand(), tcl_sendnote(), tcl_timer(), tcl_unixtime(), tcl_utimer(), tell_dcc(), tell_who(), tellallhelp(), tellwildhelp(), and timeout_dupwait().
#define egg_strcasecmp ((int (*)(const char *, const char *))global[255]) |
Definition at line 433 of file module.h.
Referenced by _dcc_send(), add_assoc(), add_note(), addbot(), addparty(), at_limit(), bind_bind_entry(), bot_filereject(), bot_filereq(), bot_filesend(), bot_link(), bot_motd(), bot_nlinked(), bot_priv(), bot_reject(), bot_thisbot(), bot_trace(), bot_traced(), bot_unlink(), bot_versions(), bot_who(), bot_zapf(), botlink(), botnet_change(), botunlink(), calc_penalty(), call_ipbyhost(), can_resync(), cancel_user_xfer(), check_chanlist(), check_chanlist_hand(), check_dcc_attrs(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), check_dcclist_hand(), check_this_user(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_bans(), cmd_boot(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_chat(), cmd_chhandle(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_chpass(), cmd_clearqueue(), cmd_comment(), cmd_console(), cmd_debug(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_desc(), cmd_echo(), cmd_exempts(), cmd_fwd(), cmd_handle(), cmd_info(), cmd_invites(), cmd_link(), cmd_mns_host(), cmd_mns_user(), cmd_motd(), cmd_notes(), cmd_page(), cmd_pls_host(), cmd_pls_user(), cmd_reget_get(), cmd_simul(), cmd_status(), cmd_stick_yn(), cmd_strip(), cmd_trace(), cmd_unlink(), cmd_who(), cmd_wire(), ctcp_CLIENTINFO(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_RESUME(), dcc_bot(), dcc_bot_new(), dcc_dnsipbyhost(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_new(), debug_mem_to_dcc(), deq_kick(), detect_chan_flood(), detect_flood(), detect_telnet_flood(), dns_dccipbyhost(), do_seen(), dump_resync(), dupwait_notify(), expired_mask(), fast_deq(), fileq_cancel(), files_reget(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), findbot(), findhost(), finish_share(), flush_fileq(), flush_tbuf(), get_assoc(), getnick(), getparty(), getudef(), getxtra(), global(), got442(), gotjoin(), gotmsg(), gotnick(), help_subst(), hosts_set(), in_chain(), initudef(), int(), link_assoc(), linkresolvehost(), match_trigger(), minutely_checks(), msg_info(), msg_whois(), next_server(), nextbot(), ngetudef(), notes_change(), num_notes(), parse_q(), parserespacket(), partyaway(), partyidle(), partynick(), partysetidle(), partysock(), partystat(), pre_relay(), putlog(), q_tbuf(), queue_server(), rembot(), remparty(), rempartybot(), send_next_file(), set_chanlist(), setudef(), share_report(), sharein_mod(), show_queued_files(), tandem_relay(), tcl_chhandle(), tcl_getbinds(), tcl_getuser(), unbind_bind_entry(), users_in_subtree(), whoispenalty(), and wordshift().
#define egg_strcatn ((int (*)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t max))global[265]) |
Definition at line 446 of file module.h.
Referenced by flush_mode().
#define egg_strncasecmp ((int (*)(const char *, const char *, size_t))global[256]) |
Definition at line 435 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_chat_pass(), deq_kick(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), parse_q(), purge_kicks(), and queue_server().
#define egg_vsnprintf ((int (*)(char *, size_t, const char *, va_list))global[253]) |
Definition at line 431 of file module.h.
Referenced by egg_snprintf(), EGG_VARARGS_DEF(), putlog(), shareout_but(), and shareout_mod().
#define expected_memory ((int(*)(void))global[168]) |
Definition at line 314 of file module.h.
Referenced by msg_status(), tell_mem_status(), tell_mem_status_dcc(), and tell_verbose_status().
#define fatal (global[143]) |
Definition at line 282 of file module.h.
Referenced by bg_do_split(), bg_prepare_split(), bg_send_pidfile(), bg_send_quit(), chanprog(), failed_pre_relay(), got_bus(), got_fpe(), got_hup(), got_segv(), got_term(), IP(), kill_bot(), main(), mainloop(), msg_die(), n_malloc(), reload(), server_postrehash(), and server_resolve_success().
#define file_readable ((int (*) (char *))global[285]) |
Definition at line 475 of file module.h.
Referenced by do_dcc_send(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), get_specific_langfile(), int(), and reload().
#define find_bind_table ((p_tcl_bind_list(*)(const char *))global[10]) |
Definition at line 116 of file module.h.
Referenced by filesys_close(), init_server_ctcps(), irc_seen_setup(), notes_close(), notes_irc_setup(), notes_server_setup(), seen_close(), server_seen_setup(), server_transfer_setup(), tcl_bind(), tcl_binds(), transfer_close(), wire_close(), and wire_start().
#define find_entry_type ((struct user_entry_type * (*) ( char * ))global[48]) |
Definition at line 164 of file module.h.
Referenced by share_change(), tcl_getuser(), and tcl_setuser().
#define find_user_entry ((struct user_entry * (*)( struct user_entry_type *, struct userrec *))global[49]) |
Definition at line 165 of file module.h.
Referenced by getxtra(), share_change(), stats_add_dnload(), stats_add_upload(), tcl_getuser(), and tcl_setuser().
#define findanyidx ((int (*)(int))global[130]) |
Definition at line 266 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_onwire(), cmd_putwire(), cmd_wirelist(), gotmode(), nuke_server(), send_uptime(), server_5minutely(), server_report(), tcl_eggserver(), wire_close(), wire_filter(), wire_join(), and wire_leave().
#define findchan ((struct chanset_t *(*)(char *))global[131]) |
Definition at line 267 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_mkdir(), cmd_mns_chan(), cmd_pls_chan(), got315(), got324(), got331(), got332(), got346(), got347(), got348(), got349(), got352(), got354(), got367(), got368(), got403(), got437(), got442(), gotinvite(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnotice(), gotpart(), gottopic(), modebind_refresh(), and purge_kicks().
#define findchan_by_dname ((struct chanset_t *(*)(char *))global[245]) |
Definition at line 421 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_chanrec(), channels_chon(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_chaninfo(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_console(), cmd_info(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_chan(), cmd_mns_chrec(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_chan(), cmd_pls_chrec(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_reset(), cmd_stick_yn(), del_chanrec(), do_seen(), finish_share(), get_channel(), get_user_flagrec(), got403(), got471(), got473(), got474(), got475(), gotinvite(), gotjoin(), gotnick(), gotquit(), msg_go(), msg_halfop(), msg_info(), msg_invite(), msg_key(), msg_op(), msg_reset(), msg_voice(), msg_who(), pub_seen(), set_handle_chaninfo(), set_user_flagrec(), share_chattr(), share_chchinfo(), share_mns_banchan(), share_mns_chrec(), share_mns_exemptchan(), share_mns_invitechan(), share_pls_banchan(), share_pls_chrec(), share_pls_exemptchan(), share_pls_invitechan(), share_stick_ban(), share_stick_exempt(), share_stick_invite(), start_sending_users(), tcl_botattr(), tcl_chattr(), tcl_userlist(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), tell_invites(), and update_idle().
#define fixfrom ((char *(*)(char *))global[267]) |
Definition at line 448 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_this_user(), and global().
#define flagrec_eq ((int(*)(struct flag_record*,struct flag_record *))global[66]) |
Definition at line 186 of file module.h.
Referenced by flagrec_ok(), help_subst(), tcl_matchattr(), and tcl_userlist().
#define flagrec_ok ((int(*)(struct flag_record*,struct flag_record *))global[67]) |
Definition at line 187 of file module.h.
Referenced by filedb_ls(), and resolve_dir().
#define flush_lines ((void(*)(int,struct chat_info*))global[167]) |
Definition at line 312 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_page(), dcc_chat(), and dcc_files().
#define force_expire (*(int *)(global[227])) |
Definition at line 387 of file module.h.
Referenced by expired_mask().
#define get_data_ptr | ( | x | ) | ((void *(*)(int,char*,int))global[86])(x,__FILE__,__LINE__) |
Definition at line 211 of file module.h.
Referenced by append_line(), botlink(), cmd_files(), cmd_su(), connect_server(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_pass(), dns_dcchostbyip(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), raw_dcc_resend_send(), tandem_relay(), and tandem_relay_resolve_success().
#define get_language ((char *(*)(int))global[150]) |
Definition at line 291 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_languagedump().
#define get_user ((void *(*)(struct user_entry_type *,struct userrec *))global[40]) |
Definition at line 154 of file module.h.
Referenced by botlink(), check_this_member(), cmd_chaddr(), cmd_info(), cmd_optimize(), cmd_pls_host(), console_chon(), console_store(), dcc_bot_check_digest(), dcc_bot_new(), do_seen(), dup_userlist(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), finish_share(), get_user_by_equal_host(), get_user_flagrec(), global(), gotjoin(), msg_info(), msg_who(), msg_whois(), start_sending_users(), tandem_relay(), tell_file_stats(), and welcome_to_files().
Definition at line 162 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_chanrec_by_handle(), add_note(), bot_handshake(), bot_join(), bot_nlinked(), bot_part(), bot_reject(), botlink(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_boot(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_chaddr(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_chhandle(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_chpass(), cmd_comment(), cmd_filestats(), cmd_fwd(), cmd_handle(), cmd_mns_chrec(), cmd_mns_host(), cmd_mns_noteign(), cmd_mns_user(), cmd_noteigns(), cmd_optimize(), cmd_pls_bot(), cmd_pls_chrec(), cmd_pls_host(), cmd_pls_noteign(), cmd_pls_user(), cmd_su(), correct_handle(), ctcp_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), ctcp_PING(), dcc_bot_new(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_files_pass(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_new(), do_seen(), expire_notes(), files_setpwd(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_note(), finish_share(), get_handle_chaninfo(), getxtra(), main(), msg_hello(), msg_ident(), msg_whois(), punish_badguy(), q_resync(), q_tbuf(), reaffirm_owners(), rembot(), set_handle_chaninfo(), share_change(), share_chattr(), share_chchinfo(), share_chhand(), share_killuser(), share_mns_chrec(), share_mns_host(), share_newuser(), share_pls_bothost(), share_pls_chrec(), share_pls_host(), tandem_relay(), tcl_addbot(), tcl_adduser(), tcl_botattr(), tcl_chattr(), tcl_chhandle(), tcl_dccdumpfile(), tcl_delhost(), tcl_getuser(), tcl_matchattr(), tcl_passwdOk(), tcl_setuser(), tcl_validuser(), and tell_file_stats().
#define get_user_by_host ((struct userrec * (*)(char *))global[46]) |
Definition at line 161 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_bot_hostmask(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_lonely_channel(), check_this_user(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_channel(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_deop(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_op(), cmd_pls_host(), cmd_voice(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), detect_chan_flood(), detect_flood(), detect_telnet_flood(), do_seen(), expired_mask(), getnick(), got352or4(), got_ban(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_halfop(), got_op(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnick(), gotnotice(), gotpart(), gotquit(), gottopic(), hand_on_chan(), kick_all(), maybe_revenge(), modebind_refresh(), msg_addhost(), msg_who(), msg_whois(), recheck_channel(), refresh_ban_kick(), and tcl_finduser().
#define get_user_flagrec ((void (*)(struct userrec *, struct flag_record *, const char *))global[44]) |
Definition at line 159 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_chon(), channels_report(), check_dcc_attrs(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_tcl_ctcpr(), check_tcl_fil(), check_tcl_msg(), check_tcl_msgm(), check_tcl_notc(), check_this_user(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_chaninfo(), cmd_channel(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_console(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_deop(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_file_help(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_help(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_chrec(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_host(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_mns_noteign(), cmd_noteigns(), cmd_op(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_chrec(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_host(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_pls_noteign(), cmd_reset(), cmd_su(), cmd_voice(), console_chon(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_chatter(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_pass(), detect_chan_flood(), detect_telnet_flood(), filedb_ls(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), finish_share(), geticon(), got_ban(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_halfop(), got_op(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnick(), gotnotice(), has_op(), has_oporhalfop(), irc_report(), kick_all(), modebind_refresh(), msg_go(), msg_halfop(), msg_help(), msg_invite(), msg_key(), msg_op(), msg_voice(), msg_who(), msg_whois(), punish_badguy(), q_resync(), q_tbuf(), recheck_channel(), refresh_ban_kick(), resolve_dir(), share_chattr(), share_chchinfo(), share_mns_banchan(), share_mns_chrec(), share_mns_exemptchan(), share_mns_invitechan(), share_pls_banchan(), share_pls_chrec(), share_pls_exemptchan(), share_pls_invitechan(), shareout_but(), shareout_mod(), show_banner(), show_motd(), start_sending_users(), sub_lang(), tcl_botattr(), tcl_chattr(), tcl_dccdumpfile(), tcl_dumpfile(), tcl_matchattr(), tcl_userlist(), want_to_revenge(), write_bans(), write_exempts(), and write_invites().
#define geticon ((char (*) (int))global[56]) |
Definition at line 174 of file module.h.
Referenced by answer_local_whom(), botnet_send_join_idx(), botnet_send_nkch(), cmd_chat(), cmd_onwire(), console_chon(), dcc_chatter(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_script(), dump_links(), eof_dcc_relay(), remote_tell_who(), restart_chons(), tell_who(), and wire_filter().
#define getmyip ((IP (*) (void))global[77]) |
Definition at line 200 of file module.h.
Referenced by ctcp_CHAT(), main(), raw_dcc_resend_send(), remote_filereq(), start_sending_users(), and tcl_myip().
#define getsock ((int (*) (int))global[82]) |
Definition at line 206 of file module.h.
Referenced by botlink_resolve_success(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), failed_link(), failed_tandem_relay(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), share_ufsend(), and tandem_relay().
#define global_bans (*(maskrec **)(global[96])) |
Definition at line 224 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_expired_bans(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_this_member(), cmd_mns_ban(), detect_chan_flood(), finish_share(), got_ban(), got_unban(), gotjoin(), msg_hello(), recheck_bans(), refresh_ban_kick(), tell_bans(), u_addban(), u_delban(), and write_bans().
#define global_exempts (*(maskrec **)(global[220])) |
Definition at line 379 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), check_this_ban(), check_this_member(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_mns_exempt(), detect_chan_flood(), expmem_users(), finish_share(), got_exempt(), got_unexempt(), gotjoin(), gotmsg(), gotnotice(), kick_all(), recheck_exempts(), refresh_exempt(), tell_exempts(), u_addexempt(), u_delexempt(), void(), and write_exempts().
#define global_ign (*(struct igrec **)(global[97])) |
Definition at line 225 of file module.h.
Referenced by equals_ignore(), finish_share(), int(), and tcl_ignorelist().
#define global_invites (*(maskrec **)(global[221])) |
Definition at line 380 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_invites(), check_this_member(), cmd_mns_invite(), expmem_users(), finish_share(), got_invite(), got_uninvite(), gotjoin(), recheck_invites(), refresh_invite(), tell_invites(), u_addinvite(), u_delinvite(), void(), and write_invites().
#define H_act (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[181])) |
#define H_away (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[186])) |
Definition at line 336 of file module.h.
Referenced by init_bind(), notes_close(), and notes_start().
#define H_bcst (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[182])) |
#define H_bot (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[183])) |
Definition at line 332 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_close(), assoc_start(), init_bind(), wire_close(), wire_join(), and wire_leave().
#define H_chat (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[180])) |
#define H_chof (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[177])) |
Definition at line 325 of file module.h.
Referenced by wire_start().
#define H_chon (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[176])) |
Definition at line 324 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_close(), channels_start(), console_close(), console_start(), notes_close(), and notes_start().
#define H_dcc (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[174])) |
Definition at line 321 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_close(), assoc_start(), channels_close(), channels_start(), console_close(), console_start(), filesys_close(), filesys_start(), init_bind(), init_language(), irc_close(), irc_start(), kill_bind(), notes_close(), notes_start(), seen_close(), seen_start(), server_close(), server_start(), share_close(), share_start(), wire_close(), wire_start(), woobie_close(), and woobie_start().
#define H_disc (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[185])) |
Definition at line 335 of file module.h.
Referenced by init_bind().
#define H_event (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[224])) |
Definition at line 384 of file module.h.
Referenced by init_bind().
#define H_filt (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[175])) |
Definition at line 322 of file module.h.
Referenced by init_bind(), and wire_start().
#define H_link (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[184])) |
Definition at line 334 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_close(), and assoc_start().
#define H_load (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[178])) |
Definition at line 326 of file module.h.
Referenced by filesys_close(), filesys_start(), notes_close(), notes_start(), seen_close(), seen_start(), transfer_close(), and transfer_start().
#define H_nkch (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[187])) |
Definition at line 337 of file module.h.
Referenced by init_bind(), notes_close(), and notes_start().
#define H_unld (*(p_tcl_bind_list *)(global[179])) |
#define helpdir ((char *)global[121]) |
Definition at line 255 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_help_reference(), chanprog(), msg_help(), resolve_help(), tell_settings(), tellallhelp(), and tellwildhelp().
#define hostname ((char *)(global[114])) |
Definition at line 246 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), IP(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), and u_addinvite().
#define hostsanitycheck_dcc ((int(*)(char *, char *, IP, char *, char *))global[239]) |
Definition at line 413 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_chat_hostresolved(), and filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved().
#define ignore_time (*(int *)(global[102])) |
Definition at line 231 of file module.h.
Referenced by detect_flood(), detect_telnet_flood(), gotmsg(), tcl_newignore(), and tell_settings().
#define in_chain ((int (*)(char *))global[163]) |
Definition at line 307 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_nlinked(), bot_update(), bot_version(), botlink(), cmd_reget_get(), cont_link(), dcc_telnet_id(), files_reget(), and timeout_dupwait().
#define increase_socks_max ((int (*)(void))global[297]) |
Definition at line 490 of file module.h.
Referenced by botlink(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_telnet(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), init_threaddata(), and new_dcc().
#define int_to_base10 ((char * (*) (int))global[22]) |
Definition at line 131 of file module.h.
Referenced by EGG_VARARGS_DEF(), gotmode(), laston_tcl_get(), tcl_countusers(), and tcl_deluser().
#define int_to_base64 ((char * (*) (int))global[21]) |
Definition at line 130 of file module.h.
Referenced by EGG_VARARGS_DEF().
#define interp (*(Tcl_Interp **)(global[128])) |
Definition at line 264 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_cd_tcl_cmds(), add_note(), answer_local_whom(), botunlink(), call_tcl_func(), channels_close(), channels_start(), check_tcl_ctcpr(), check_tcl_fil(), check_tcl_flud(), check_tcl_msg(), check_tcl_msgm(), check_tcl_notc(), check_tcl_out(), check_tcl_raw(), check_tcl_raw4(), check_tcl_wall(), cmd_chat(), cmd_restart(), cmd_set(), cmd_tcl(), cmd_whom(), dns_change(), dns_close(), dns_start(), init_tcl(), int(), irc_close(), irc_start(), kill_tcl(), rem_cd_tcl_cmds(), remote_tell_who(), server_close(), server_start(), tcl_eggcouplet(), tcl_eggint(), tcl_eggserver(), tcl_eggstr(), tcl_getbinds(), tcl_logfile(), tcl_resultint(), tcl_resultstring(), tcl_userlist(), tell_verbose_status(), tell_who(), traced_globchanset(), and void().
#define iptostr ((char *(*)(IP))global[237]) |
Definition at line 411 of file module.h.
Referenced by block_dns_hostbyip(), botlink_resolve_success(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dns_ack(), dns_change(), dns_check_expires(), dns_event_failure(), dns_event_success(), dns_forward(), dns_lookup(), dns_report(), dns_tcl_iporhostres(), eof_dcc_dnswait(), failed_link(), failed_tandem_relay(), resendrequest(), server_resolve_success(), and tandem_relay_resolve_success().
#define is_file ((int (*)(const char *))global[257]) |
Definition at line 436 of file module.h.
Referenced by compress_to_file(), is_compressedfile(), resolve_help(), scan_help_file(), show_banner(), show_motd(), and uncompress_to_file().
#define ismember ((memberlist * (*) (struct chanset_t *, char *))global[136]) |
Definition at line 274 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_bot_hostmask(), check_this_member(), cmd_act(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_deop(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_invite(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_op(), cmd_say(), cmd_voice(), detect_chan_flood(), do_seen(), expired_mask(), got315(), got352or4(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_halfop(), got_op(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnick(), gotnotice(), gotquit(), gottopic(), me_halfop(), me_op(), me_voice(), msg_go(), msg_hello(), msg_whois(), punish_badguy(), purge_kicks(), real_add_mode(), refresh_ban_kick(), set_delay(), and update_idle().
#define isowner ((int (*)(char *))global[215]) |
Definition at line 372 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_dcc_attrs(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_chhandle(), cmd_chpass(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_dump(), cmd_loadmod(), cmd_mns_user(), cmd_pls_chan(), cmd_set(), cmd_simul(), cmd_su(), cmd_tcl(), and cmd_unloadmod().
#define kill_bot ((void (*)(char *, char *))global[271]) |
#define killsock ((void (*) (int))global[83]) |
Definition at line 207 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_bye(), bot_linked(), bot_nlinked(), bot_reject(), bot_thisbot(), bot_version(), botunlink(), cancel_user_xfer(), check_botnet_pings(), check_dcc_attrs(), cont_link(), cont_tandem_relay(), ctcp_DCC_RESUME(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_files(), dcc_files_pass(), dcc_get_pending(), dcc_ident(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_script(), dcc_telnet(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_pass(), detect_dcc_flood(), disconnect_server(), dns_close(), do_boot(), eof_dcc_bot(), eof_dcc_bot_new(), eof_dcc_chat(), eof_dcc_dnswait(), eof_dcc_dupwait(), eof_dcc_general(), eof_dcc_ident(), eof_dcc_identwait(), eof_dcc_relay(), eof_dcc_relaying(), eof_dcc_script(), eof_dcc_socket(), eof_dcc_telnet(), eof_dcc_telnet_id(), eof_dcc_telnet_new(), eof_dcc_telnet_pw(), eof_dns_socket(), failed_link(), failed_pre_relay(), failed_tandem_relay(), fatal(), fileq_cancel(), filesys_close(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), greet_new_bot(), init_dns_network(), mainloop(), pre_relay(), share_ufsend(), tandem_relay_resolve_failure(), timeout_dcc_bot_new(), timeout_dcc_telnet_id(), timeout_dupwait(), tout_dcc_chat_pass(), tout_dcc_telnet_new(), tout_dcc_telnet_pw(), and zapfbot().
#define killtransfer ((void(*)(int))global[281]) |
Definition at line 470 of file module.h.
Referenced by ctcp_DCC_RESUME().
#define lastuser (*(struct userrec **)(global[95])) |
Definition at line 222 of file module.h.
Referenced by finish_share().
#define list_type_kill ((void(*)(struct list_type *))global[199]) |
Definition at line 352 of file module.h.
Referenced by botaddr_unpack(), botfl_unpack(), console_unpack(), def_unpack(), fstat_unpack(), hosts_kill(), hosts_set(), and laston_unpack().
#define logmodes ((int(*)(char *))global[200]) |
Definition at line 354 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_console(), console_tcl_set(), console_unpack(), tcl_eggint(), tcl_logfile(), and tcl_putloglev().
#define lostdcc ((void (*) (int))global[81]) |
Definition at line 205 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_bye(), bot_linked(), bot_nlinked(), bot_reject(), bot_thisbot(), bot_version(), botlink_resolve_failure(), botunlink(), cancel_user_xfer(), check_botnet_pings(), check_dcc_attrs(), cont_link(), cont_tandem_relay(), ctcp_DCC_RESUME(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_files(), dcc_files_pass(), dcc_get_pending(), dcc_ident(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_script(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_pass(), detect_dcc_flood(), dns_close(), dns_start(), do_boot(), eof_dcc_bot(), eof_dcc_bot_new(), eof_dcc_chat(), eof_dcc_dnswait(), eof_dcc_dupwait(), eof_dcc_general(), eof_dcc_ident(), eof_dcc_identwait(), eof_dcc_relay(), eof_dcc_relaying(), eof_dcc_script(), eof_dcc_socket(), eof_dcc_telnet(), eof_dcc_telnet_id(), eof_dcc_telnet_new(), eof_dcc_telnet_pw(), eof_dns_socket(), eof_server(), failed_link(), failed_pre_relay(), failed_tandem_relay(), fileq_cancel(), filesys_close(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), greet_new_bot(), mainloop(), nuke_server(), pre_relay(), server_5minutely(), server_resolve_failure(), server_resolve_success(), tandem_relay(), tandem_relay_resolve_failure(), timeout_dcc_bot_new(), timeout_dcc_telnet_id(), timeout_dupwait(), timeout_server(), tout_dcc_chat_pass(), tout_dcc_telnet_new(), tout_dcc_telnet_pw(), and zapfbot().
#define make_rand_str ((void (*) (char *, int))global[243]) |
Definition at line 418 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), compress_file(), makepass(), mktempfile(), and uncompress_file().
#define make_userfile (*(int*)global[109]) |
Definition at line 240 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), cmd_rehash(), cmd_restart(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_new(), do_arg(), msg_hello(), and msg_rehash().
#define makepass ((void (*) (char *))global[152]) |
Definition at line 294 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_telnet_pass(), got432(), share_change(), and share_pls_bothost().
#define mask_match ((int (*)(const char *, const char *))global[295]) |
Definition at line 487 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), got_unexempt(), recheck_exempts(), and refresh_exempt().
#define maskaddr ((void (*)(const char *, char *, int))global[154]) |
Definition at line 296 of file module.h.
Referenced by punish_badguy(), and quickban().
#define maskhost | ( | a, | |||
b | ) | maskaddr((a),(b),3) |
Definition at line 495 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_adduser(), msg_hello(), and msg_ident().
#define masktype ((const char *(*)(int))global[201]) |
Definition at line 355 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_console(), console_display(), console_pack(), console_store(), console_tcl_get(), console_write_userfile(), tcl_eggint(), tcl_logfile(), tell_settings(), and tell_who().
#define match_addr | ( | a, | |||
b | ) | addr_match((a),(b),0,0) |
Definition at line 499 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_exemptlist(), check_this_ban(), check_this_user(), cmd_pls_ban(), enforce_bans(), got_ban(), gotjoin(), ismasked(), kick_all(), refresh_ban_kick(), refresh_invite(), tcl_matchaddr(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), tell_invites(), u_addban(), and u_match_mask().
#define match_ignore ((int (*)(char *))global[141]) |
Definition at line 280 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_pls_ignore(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), gotmsg(), gotnotice(), server_activity(), and tcl_isignore().
#define max_dcc (*(int *)global[100]) |
Definition at line 229 of file module.h.
Referenced by botlink(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_script(), dcc_telnet(), expmem_dccutil(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), increase_socks_max(), lostdcc(), new_dcc(), and share_ufsend().
#define MD5_Final ((void (*)(unsigned char *, MD5_CTX *))global[279]) |
Definition at line 467 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_bot_check_digest(), dcc_bot_digest(), and tcl_md5().
#define MD5_Init ((void (*)(MD5_CTX *))global[277]) |
Definition at line 465 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_bot_check_digest(), dcc_bot_digest(), and tcl_md5().
#define MD5_Update ((void (*)(MD5_CTX *, void *, unsigned long))global[278]) |
Definition at line 466 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_bot_check_digest(), dcc_bot_digest(), and tcl_md5().
#define module_depend ((Function *(*)(char *,char *,int,int))global[6]) |
Definition at line 111 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_start(), blowfish_start(), channels_start(), compress_start(), console_start(), ctcp_start(), dns_start(), filesys_start(), irc_start(), notes_start(), seen_start(), server_start(), share_start(), transfer_start(), uptime_start(), wire_start(), and woobie_start().
#define module_find ((module_entry * (*)(char *,int,int))global[5]) |
Definition at line 110 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_filereq(), bot_infoq(), chanprog(), cmd_botinfo(), cmd_chat(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_console(), cmd_echo(), cmd_mns_host(), cmd_mns_user(), cmd_page(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_host(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_reget_get(), cmd_stick_yn(), cmd_strip(), filesys_note(), got001(), got442(), kill_server(), remove_channel(), send_uptime(), share_chattr(), tcl_setuser(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), and u_addinvite().
#define module_load ((char *(*)(char *))global[273]) |
Definition at line 460 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_loadmod(), and tcl_loadmodule().
#define module_register ((int (*)(char *, Function *, int, int))global[4]) |
Definition at line 109 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_start(), blowfish_start(), channels_start(), compress_start(), console_start(), ctcp_start(), dns_start(), filesys_start(), irc_start(), notes_start(), seen_start(), server_start(), share_start(), transfer_start(), uptime_start(), wire_start(), and woobie_start().
#define module_rename ((int (*)(char *, char *))global[3]) |
Definition at line 107 of file module.h.
Referenced by blowfish_start().
#define module_undepend ((int(*)(char *))global[7]) |
Definition at line 112 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_close(), assoc_start(), blowfish_start(), channels_close(), channels_start(), compress_close(), compress_start(), console_close(), console_start(), ctcp_close(), ctcp_start(), dns_close(), dns_start(), filesys_close(), filesys_start(), irc_close(), irc_start(), notes_close(), notes_start(), seen_close(), seen_start(), server_close(), server_start(), share_close(), share_start(), transfer_close(), transfer_start(), uptime_start(), wire_close(), wire_start(), woobie_close(), and woobie_start().
#define module_unload ((char *(*)(char *, char *))global[274]) |
Definition at line 461 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_unloadmod(), mainloop(), and tcl_unloadmodule().
#define movefile ((int (*) (char *, char *))global[146]) |
Definition at line 286 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_logsize(), cmd_mv_cp(), compress_file(), convert_old_db(), core_secondly(), expire_notes(), notes_change(), uncompress_file(), and write_channels().
#define must_be_owner (*(int *)(global[258])) |
Definition at line 437 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_chanset(), cmd_dump(), cmd_loadmod(), cmd_pls_chan(), cmd_set(), cmd_tcl(), and cmd_unloadmod().
#define my_atoul ((IP(*)(char *))global[90]) |
Definition at line 216 of file module.h.
Referenced by ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_RESUME(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send(), gotpong(), and share_ufsend().
#define my_memcpy ((void * (*) (void *, const void *, size_t))global[89]) |
Definition at line 215 of file module.h.
Referenced by console_dupuser(), filesys_start(), fstat_dupuser(), notes_start(), parserespacket(), and send_uptime().
#define my_strcpy ((int (*)(char *, const char *))global[91]) |
Definition at line 217 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), help_subst(), irc_report(), maskname(), msg_who(), status_tbufs(), and stripmaskname().
#define natip ((char *)(global[113])) |
Definition at line 245 of file module.h.
Referenced by ctcp_CHAT(), raw_dcc_resend_send(), and start_sending_users().
#define neterror ((void (*) (char *))global[78]) |
Definition at line 201 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_get_pending(), dcc_telnet(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), and server_resolve_success().
#define new_dcc ((int (*) (struct dcc_table *, int))global[80]) |
Definition at line 204 of file module.h.
Referenced by botlink(), connect_server(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_telnet(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dns_start(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send(), main(), raw_dcc_resend_send(), share_ufsend(), and tandem_relay().
#define newsplit ((char *(*)(char **))global[137]) |
Definition at line 275 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_note(), bot_actchan(), bot_away(), bot_chan2(), bot_chat(), bot_filereject(), bot_filereq(), bot_filesend(), bot_idle(), bot_join(), bot_link(), bot_motd(), bot_nickchange(), bot_nlinked(), bot_part(), bot_priv(), bot_reject(), bot_trace(), bot_traced(), bot_unlink(), bot_unlinked(), bot_update(), bot_version(), bot_versions(), bot_who(), bot_zapf(), bot_zapfbroad(), botaddr_gotshare(), calc_penalty(), cmd_act(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_assoc(), cmd_boot(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_chaddr(), cmd_chaninfo(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_chat(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_chhandle(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_chpass(), cmd_comment(), cmd_console(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_deop(), cmd_desc(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_filestats(), cmd_fwd(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_handle(), cmd_info(), cmd_invite(), cmd_jump(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_link(), cmd_ln(), cmd_match(), cmd_mkdir(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_chan(), cmd_mns_chrec(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_host(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_mns_noteign(), cmd_mns_user(), cmd_modules(), cmd_msg(), cmd_mv_cp(), cmd_newpass(), cmd_note(), cmd_notes(), cmd_op(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_bot(), cmd_pls_chan(), cmd_pls_chrec(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_host(), cmd_pls_ignore(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_pls_noteign(), cmd_pls_user(), cmd_reget_get(), cmd_resetbans(), cmd_resetexempts(), cmd_resetinvites(), cmd_say(), cmd_simul(), cmd_stick_yn(), cmd_strip(), cmd_topic(), cmd_unlink(), cmd_voice(), console_unpack(), convert_old_files(), cron_match(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_RESUME(), dcc_bot_new(), dcc_chat(), dcc_telnet_pw(), deq_kick(), do_arg(), expire_notes(), fast_deq(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send(), fstat_gotshare(), fstat_unpack(), got251(), got303(), got311(), got315(), got324(), got331(), got332(), got346(), got347(), got348(), got349(), got352(), got354(), got367(), got368(), got403(), got405(), got432(), got433(), got437(), got438(), got442(), got465(), got471(), got473(), got474(), got475(), got_files_cmd(), gotinvite(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnotice(), gotpart(), gotpong(), gottopic(), init_uptime(), laston_unpack(), msg_addhost(), msg_die(), msg_halfop(), msg_ident(), msg_info(), msg_invite(), msg_jump(), msg_key(), msg_memory(), msg_op(), msg_pass(), msg_reset(), msg_status(), msg_voice(), notes_change(), nsplit(), num_notes(), parse_q(), purge_kicks(), server_activity(), set_mode_protect(), share_change(), share_chattr(), share_chchinfo(), share_chhand(), share_mns_banchan(), share_mns_chrec(), share_mns_exemptchan(), share_mns_host(), share_mns_invitechan(), share_newuser(), share_pls_ban(), share_pls_banchan(), share_pls_bothost(), share_pls_chrec(), share_pls_exempt(), share_pls_exemptchan(), share_pls_host(), share_pls_ignore(), share_pls_invite(), share_pls_invitechan(), share_stick_ban(), share_stick_exempt(), share_stick_invite(), share_ufsend(), sharein_mod(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), tell_invites(), and wordshift().
#define nextbot ((int (*)(char *))global[35]) |
Definition at line 147 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_note(), bot_actchan(), bot_chan2(), bot_chat(), bot_filereject(), bot_filereq(), bot_filesend(), bot_join(), bot_link(), bot_motd(), bot_nickchange(), bot_nlinked(), bot_priv(), bot_reject(), bot_trace(), bot_traced(), bot_unlink(), bot_unlinked(), bot_versions(), bot_who(), bot_zapf(), bot_zapfbroad(), cmd_boot(), cmd_chhandle(), cmd_link(), cmd_modules(), cmd_motd(), cmd_reget_get(), cmd_trace(), cmd_unlink(), cmd_who(), cont_link(), files_reget(), link_assoc(), tcl_chhandle(), and wire_filter().
#define nfree | ( | x | ) | (global[1]((x),MODULE_NAME,__FILE__,__LINE__)) |
#define nmalloc | ( | x | ) | (((void *(*)())global[0])((x),MODULE_NAME,__FILE__,__LINE__)) |
#define noshare (*(int *)(global[107])) |
Definition at line 237 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_chanrec(), bot_handshake(), bot_thisbot(), botaddr_set(), def_set(), del_chanrec(), dup_userlist(), finish_share(), fstat_gotshare(), fstat_set(), global(), hook_read_userfile(), int(), pass_set(), rehash(), reload(), remove_channel(), set_handle_chaninfo(), set_user_flagrec(), share_change(), share_chattr(), share_chchinfo(), share_chhand(), share_killuser(), share_mns_ban(), share_mns_banchan(), share_mns_chrec(), share_mns_exempt(), share_mns_exemptchan(), share_mns_host(), share_mns_ignore(), share_mns_invite(), share_mns_invitechan(), share_newuser(), share_pls_ban(), share_pls_banchan(), share_pls_chrec(), share_pls_exempt(), share_pls_exemptchan(), share_pls_ignore(), share_pls_invite(), share_pls_invitechan(), share_stick_ban(), share_stick_exempt(), share_stick_invite(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), u_addinvite(), u_delban(), u_delexempt(), u_delinvite(), and u_setsticky_mask().
#define notify_new ((char *)global[120]) |
Definition at line 254 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_telnet_pw(), msg_hello(), and tell_settings().
Definition at line 265 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_delay(), addparty(), answer_local_whom(), blowfish_init(), blowfish_report(), bot_infoq(), bot_join(), bot_part(), bot_traced(), bot_version(), botlink(), botlink_resolve_success(), check_delay(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_dcc(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), check_expired_tbufs(), cmd_botinfo(), cmd_channel(), cmd_files(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_ln(), cmd_mkdir(), cmd_onwire(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_ignore(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_trace(), connect_server(), core_secondly(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), ctcp_TIME(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_files(), dcc_files_pass(), dcc_fork_send(), dcc_get_pending(), dcc_ident(), dcc_script(), dcc_telnet(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_new(), dcc_telnet_pass(), deq_msg(), detect_chan_flood(), detect_dcc_flood(), detect_flood(), detect_telnet_flood(), display_ban(), display_dcc_bot_new(), display_dcc_chat_pass(), display_dcc_dnswait(), display_dcc_identwait(), display_dcc_telnet_id(), display_dcc_telnet_new(), display_dcc_telnet_pw(), display_exempt(), display_invite(), dns_check_expires(), dns_start(), do_seen(), dump_links(), eof_dns_socket(), expire_notes(), failed_link(), failed_tandem_relay(), failrp(), fake_alert(), filedb_add(), filedb_initdb(), filedb_open(), filedb_setlink(), filedb_update(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), flush_modes(), flushlogs(), global(), got001(), got352or4(), gotinvite(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnick(), gotnotice(), gotpart(), gotpong(), gotquit(), gottopic(), greet_new_bot(), help_subst(), main(), mainloop(), msg_status(), new_tbuf(), newmask(), partyidle(), partysetidle(), passrp(), punish_badguy(), queue_server(), raw_dcc_resend_send(), refresh_ban_kick(), refresh_exempt(), refresh_invite(), rembot(), remote_tell_who(), resendrequest(), server_5minutely(), server_report(), server_resolve_success(), set_delay(), share_pls_ban(), share_pls_banchan(), share_pls_exempt(), share_pls_exemptchan(), share_pls_ignore(), share_pls_invite(), share_pls_invitechan(), share_ufsend(), start_sending_users(), tandem_relay(), tandem_relay_resolve_success(), tcl_newignore(), tcl_strftime(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), tell_invites(), tell_verbose_status(), tell_verbose_uptime(), tell_who(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), u_addinvite(), update_idle(), wire_filter(), and write_channels().
#define nrealloc | ( | x, | |||
y | ) | (((void *(*)())global[230])((x),(y),MODULE_NAME,__FILE__,__LINE__)) |
#define nstrdup | ( | x | ) | (((char *(*)())global[299])((x),MODULE_NAME,__FILE__,__LINE__)) |
#define oatoi ((int (*) (const char *))global[291]) |
Definition at line 482 of file module.h.
Referenced by tcl_eggint().
#define online_since (*(int *)(global[205])) |
Definition at line 360 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_infoq(), cmd_botinfo(), main(), msg_status(), send_uptime(), tell_verbose_status(), and tell_verbose_uptime().
#define open_address_listen ((int (*)(IP addr, int *port))global[261]) |
#define open_listen ((int (*) (int *))global[84]) |
Definition at line 209 of file module.h.
Referenced by raw_dcc_resend_send().
#define open_telnet ((int (*) (char *, int))global[87]) |
Definition at line 212 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), and server_resolve_success().
#define open_telnet_dcc ((int (*) (int,char *,char *))global[85]) |
Definition at line 210 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_chat_hostresolved(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), and share_ufsend().
#define origbotname ((char *)(global[115])) |
Definition at line 247 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), detect_telnet_flood(), got303(), got437(), gotnick(), gotquit(), minutely_checks(), msg_addhost(), msg_ident(), server_postrehash(), server_report(), server_resolve_success(), server_start(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), and u_addinvite().
#define parties (*(int *)global[275]) |
Definition at line 462 of file module.h.
Referenced by addparty(), answer_local_whom(), botunlink(), dump_links(), expmem_botnet(), getparty(), partyaway(), partyidle(), partynick(), partysetidle(), partysock(), partystat(), remparty(), rempartybot(), restart_chons(), and users_in_subtree().
#define password_timeout (*(int *)(global[98])) |
Definition at line 226 of file module.h.
Referenced by filesys_start().
#define protect_readonly (*(int *)(global[244])) |
Definition at line 420 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), tcl_eggint(), tcl_eggstr(), and void().
#define putlog (global[197]) |
Definition at line 350 of file module.h.
Referenced by _dcc_send(), add_lang_section(), addbot(), backup_chanfile(), backup_userfile(), bgtclcallback(), bot_bye(), bot_error(), bot_filereject(), bot_infoq(), bot_link(), bot_linked(), bot_motd(), bot_nlinked(), bot_old_userfile(), bot_reject(), bot_thisbot(), bot_ufno(), bot_unlink(), bot_version(), botaddr_gotshare(), botlink(), botlink_resolve_failure(), botnet_change(), botunlink(), calc_penalty(), call_hostbyip(), call_ipbyhost(), call_tcl_func(), cancel_user_xfer(), channels_writeuserfile(), check_botnet_pings(), check_dcc_attrs(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), check_expired_tbufs(), check_logsize(), check_lonely_channel(), check_tcl_fil(), check_tcl_msg(), cmd_act(), cmd_addlog(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_assoc(), cmd_backup(), cmd_bans(), cmd_binds(), cmd_boot(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_botinfo(), cmd_bots(), cmd_bottree(), cmd_cancel(), cmd_chaddr(), cmd_chaninfo(), cmd_chanload(), cmd_channel(), cmd_chansave(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_chdir(), cmd_chhandle(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_chpass(), cmd_clearqueue(), cmd_comment(), cmd_console(), cmd_dccstat(), cmd_debug(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_deop(), cmd_desc(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_die(), cmd_dump(), cmd_exempts(), cmd_file_help(), cmd_files(), cmd_filestats(), cmd_fixcodes(), cmd_fwd(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_handle(), cmd_help(), cmd_hide(), cmd_ignores(), cmd_info(), cmd_invite(), cmd_invites(), cmd_jump(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_languagedump(), cmd_languagestatus(), cmd_link(), cmd_ln(), cmd_loadlanguage(), cmd_loadmod(), cmd_match(), cmd_mkdir(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_chan(), cmd_mns_chrec(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_host(), cmd_mns_ignore(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_mns_noteign(), cmd_mns_user(), cmd_mnslang(), cmd_mnslsec(), cmd_module(), cmd_modules(), cmd_motd(), cmd_msg(), cmd_mv_cp(), cmd_newpass(), cmd_noteigns(), cmd_notes(), cmd_op(), cmd_optimize(), cmd_page(), cmd_pending(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_bot(), cmd_pls_chan(), cmd_pls_chrec(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_host(), cmd_pls_ignore(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_pls_noteign(), cmd_pls_user(), cmd_plslang(), cmd_plslsec(), cmd_pwd(), cmd_reget_get(), cmd_rehash(), cmd_rehelp(), cmd_relay(), cmd_reload(), cmd_reset(), cmd_resetbans(), cmd_resetexempts(), cmd_resetinvites(), cmd_restart(), cmd_rm(), cmd_rmdir(), cmd_save(), cmd_say(), cmd_servers(), cmd_set(), cmd_share(), cmd_simul(), cmd_stats(), cmd_status(), cmd_stick_yn(), cmd_strip(), cmd_su(), cmd_topic(), cmd_trace(), cmd_traffic(), cmd_unhide(), cmd_unlink(), cmd_unloadmod(), cmd_unshare(), cmd_uptime(), cmd_vbottree(), cmd_voice(), cmd_who(), cmd_whoami(), cmd_whois(), cmd_whom(), cmd_woobie(), compress_to_file(), connect_server(), cont_tandem_relay(), convert_old_db(), convert_old_files(), core_secondly(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_bot(), dcc_bot_check_digest(), dcc_bot_digest(), dcc_bot_new(), dcc_chat(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_files(), dcc_files_pass(), dcc_fork_send(), dcc_get_pending(), dcc_relaying(), dcc_seen(), dcc_telnet(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_new(), dcc_telnet_pass(), dcc_telnet_pw(), def_gotshare(), deq_kick(), deq_msg(), detect_chan_flood(), detect_flood(), detect_telnet_flood(), dnstclcallback(), do_dcc_send(), eof_dcc_bot(), eof_dcc_bot_new(), eof_dcc_chat(), eof_dcc_dnswait(), eof_dcc_dupwait(), eof_dcc_general(), eof_dcc_ident(), eof_dcc_identwait(), eof_dcc_relay(), eof_dcc_relaying(), eof_dcc_script(), eof_dcc_telnet(), eof_dcc_telnet_id(), eof_dcc_telnet_new(), eof_dcc_telnet_pw(), eof_dns_socket(), eof_server(), expire_notes(), failed_link(), failed_pre_relay(), failed_tandem_relay(), fake_alert(), fast_deq(), fatal(), filedb_open(), filedb_update(), fileq_cancel(), files_ls(), filesys_close(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send(), finish_share(), global(), got001(), got251(), got303(), got315(), got324(), got403(), got405(), got432(), got433(), got437(), got438(), got442(), got451(), got465(), got471(), got473(), got474(), got475(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_halfop(), got_hup(), got_ill(), got_op(), got_quit(), got_term(), goterror(), gotfake433(), gotinvite(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnick(), gotnotice(), gotpart(), gotquit(), gottopic(), gotwall(), greet_new_bot(), increase_socks_max(), init_dns_core(), init_dns_network(), init_uptime(), int(), kill_bind(), killmember(), main(), mainloop(), msg_addhost(), msg_die(), msg_go(), msg_halfop(), msg_hello(), msg_ident(), msg_info(), msg_invite(), msg_jump(), msg_key(), msg_memory(), msg_op(), msg_pass(), msg_rehash(), msg_reset(), msg_save(), msg_seen(), msg_status(), msg_voice(), msg_who(), msg_whois(), n_free(), n_malloc(), n_realloc(), new_tbuf(), notes_change(), null_share(), pre_relay(), punish_badguy(), purge_kicks(), queue_server(), raw_dcc_resend_send(), read_channels(), read_lang(), reload(), remote_filereq(), remote_tell_who(), resetmasks(), send_next_file(), server_5minutely(), server_activity(), server_resolve_failure(), server_resolve_success(), share_chattr(), share_chchinfo(), share_chhand(), share_close(), share_end(), share_killuser(), share_mns_ban(), share_mns_banchan(), share_mns_chrec(), share_mns_exempt(), share_mns_exemptchan(), share_mns_host(), share_mns_ignore(), share_mns_invite(), share_mns_invitechan(), share_newuser(), share_pls_ban(), share_pls_banchan(), share_pls_bothost(), share_pls_chrec(), share_pls_exempt(), share_pls_exemptchan(), share_pls_host(), share_pls_ignore(), share_pls_invite(), share_pls_invitechan(), share_resync(), share_resync_no(), share_resyncq(), share_stick_ban(), share_stick_exempt(), share_stick_invite(), share_ufno(), share_ufsend(), share_ufyes(), share_userfileq(), start_sending_users(), status_log(), tandem_relay_resolve_failure(), tcl_loadmodule(), tcl_putcmdlog(), tcl_putlog(), tcl_putloglev(), tcl_putxferlog(), timeout_dcc_bot_new(), timeout_dcc_telnet_id(), timeout_dupwait(), timeout_server(), tout_dcc_chat_pass(), tout_dcc_telnet_new(), tout_dcc_telnet_pw(), transfer_close(), u_addban(), uf_features_check(), uff_addfeature(), uncompress_to_file(), void(), whoispenalty(), write_channels(), and write_tmp_userfile().
#define quiet_reject (*(int *)(global[284])) |
Definition at line 474 of file module.h.
Referenced by ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_chat_hostresolved(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_dcc_send(), gotmsg(), msg_addhost(), msg_die(), msg_help(), msg_ident(), msg_info(), msg_jump(), msg_memory(), msg_reset(), and msg_status().
#define quit_msg ((char *)(global[272])) |
Definition at line 459 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_die(), server_die(), and tcl_die().
#define raw_log (*(int *)(global[106])) |
Definition at line 236 of file module.h.
Referenced by calc_penalty(), dcc_bot(), deq_kick(), deq_msg(), fast_deq(), gotkick(), logmodes(), maskname(), masktype(), queue_server(), server_activity(), and whoispenalty().
#define readtclprog ((int (*)(const char *))global[149]) |
Definition at line 290 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), and read_channels().
#define readuserfile ((int (*)(char *,struct userrec **))global[54]) |
Definition at line 171 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), finish_share(), and reload().
#define reaffirm_owners ((void (*)(void))global[58]) |
Definition at line 176 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), dcc_telnet_new(), finish_share(), and reload().
#define rem_builtins ((int (*) (p_tcl_bind_list, cmd_t *))global[13]) |
Definition at line 120 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_close(), channels_close(), console_close(), ctcp_close(), filesys_close(), irc_close(), kill_bind(), notes_close(), seen_close(), server_close(), share_close(), transfer_close(), wire_close(), wire_leave(), and woobie_close().
#define rem_help_reference ((void(*)(char *))global[159]) |
Definition at line 302 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_close(), channels_close(), compress_close(), console_close(), ctcp_close(), filesys_close(), irc_close(), notes_close(), seen_close(), server_close(), share_close(), tcl_unloadhelp(), transfer_close(), and wire_close().
#define rem_tcl_commands ((void (*) (tcl_cmds *))global[15]) |
Definition at line 122 of file module.h.
Referenced by assoc_close(), channels_close(), compress_close(), filesys_close(), irc_close(), notes_close(), server_close(), and transfer_close().
#define rem_tcl_coups ((void (*) (tcl_coups *))global[210]) |
Definition at line 366 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_close(), kill_tcl(), and server_close().
#define rem_tcl_ints ((void (*) (tcl_ints *))global[17]) |
Definition at line 125 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_close(), compress_close(), console_close(), ctcp_close(), dns_close(), filesys_close(), irc_close(), kill_tcl(), notes_close(), server_close(), share_close(), and transfer_close().
#define rem_tcl_strings ((void (*) (tcl_strings *))global[19]) |
Definition at line 127 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_close(), ctcp_close(), dns_close(), filesys_close(), irc_close(), kill_tcl(), notes_close(), server_close(), and share_close().
#define remove_crlf ((void (*) (char **))global[293]) |
Definition at line 485 of file module.h.
Referenced by queue_server().
#define removedcc ((void (*) (int))global[246]) |
Definition at line 422 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_remove_lost().
#define require_p (*(int *)global[101]) |
Definition at line 230 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_dcc_attrs(), cmd_su(), ctcp_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), dcc_telnet_id(), dcc_telnet_pass(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), and flagrec_ok().
#define reserved_port_max (*(int *)(global[105])) |
Definition at line 235 of file module.h.
Referenced by raw_dcc_resend_send().
#define reserved_port_min (*(int *)(global[104])) |
Definition at line 234 of file module.h.
Referenced by _dcc_send(), and raw_dcc_resend_send().
#define rfc_casecmp ((int(*)(char *, char *))(*(Function**)(global[218]))) |
Definition at line 376 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_chanlist(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), clear_chanlist_member(), cmd_channel(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_chan(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), ctcp_DCC_RESUME(), del_chanrec(), detect_chan_flood(), do_mask(), do_seen(), equals_ignore(), expired_mask(), findchan(), findchan_by_dname(), finish_share(), get_chanrec(), get_user_by_equal_host(), get_user_flagrec(), got303(), got437(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_unban(), got_unexempt(), got_uninvite(), gotfake433(), gotinvite(), gotkick(), gotnick(), gotquit(), int(), ismember(), ismodeline(), killmember(), laston_tcl_get(), laston_tcl_set(), match_my_nick(), msg_addhost(), msg_ident(), newmask(), putlog(), real_add_mode(), recheck_channel_modes(), server_postrehash(), set_chanlist(), set_user_flagrec(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), u_addinvite(), u_delban(), u_delexempt(), u_delinvite(), u_equals_mask(), u_setsticky_mask(), u_sticky_mask(), and want_to_revenge().
#define rfc_ncasecmp ((int(*)(char *, char *, int *))(*(Function**)(global[219]))) |
#define rmspace ((void (*)(char *))global[162]) |
Definition at line 306 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_note(), cmd_note(), convert_old_files(), dcc_chat(), dcc_ident(), dcc_telnet_pw(), expire_notes(), global(), gotmsg(), msg_hello(), notes_change(), num_notes(), reaffirm_owners(), and server_resolve_success().
#define sanity_check ((int(*)(int))global[63]) |
Definition at line 182 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_dcc_attrs(), cmd_chattr(), dcc_telnet_new(), msg_hello(), reaffirm_owners(), share_chattr(), tcl_botattr(), tcl_chattr(), and tcl_eggint().
#define sanitycheck_dcc ((int (*)(char *, char *, char *, char *))global[214]) |
Definition at line 371 of file module.h.
Referenced by ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), and filesys_dcc_send().
#define set_user ((int(*)(struct user_entry_type *,struct userrec *,void *))global[41]) |
Definition at line 155 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_handshake(), botaddr_dupuser(), cmd_chaddr(), cmd_chdir(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_chpass(), cmd_comment(), cmd_filestats(), cmd_fwd(), cmd_info(), cmd_newpass(), cmd_optimize(), cmd_pls_bot(), console_dupuser(), console_store(), console_tcl_set(), dcc_files(), dcc_telnet_pass(), dcc_telnet_pw(), def_dupuser(), files_setpwd(), finish_share(), fstat_dupuser(), fstat_gotshare(), fstat_tcl_set(), global(), hosts_dupuser(), laston_dupuser(), laston_tcl_set(), msg_hello(), msg_info(), msg_pass(), punish_badguy(), set_user_flagrec(), share_pls_bothost(), share_pls_host(), stats_add_dnload(), stats_add_upload(), and tcl_addbot().
#define set_user_flagrec ((void (*)(struct userrec *, struct flag_record *, const char *))global[45]) |
Definition at line 160 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_botattr(), cmd_chattr(), punish_badguy(), share_chattr(), share_newuser(), tcl_botattr(), and tcl_chattr().
#define share_greet (*(int *)global[99]) |
Definition at line 227 of file module.h.
Referenced by channels_start(), def_set(), set_handle_chaninfo(), and share_chchinfo().
#define shareout (*(Function *)(global[68])) |
Definition at line 189 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_chanrec(), botaddr_set(), def_set(), del_chanrec(), fstat_set(), global(), int(), pass_set(), set_handle_chaninfo(), set_user_flagrec(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), u_addinvite(), u_delban(), u_delexempt(), u_delinvite(), and u_setsticky_mask().
#define show_motd ((void(*)(int))global[155]) |
Definition at line 297 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_motd(), dcc_chatter(), and welcome_to_files().
#define showhelp ((void(*)(char *, char *, struct flag_record *, int))global[157]) |
Definition at line 300 of file module.h.
Referenced by msg_help(), and tcl_dumpfile().
#define simple_sprintf ((int (*)())global[23]) |
Definition at line 132 of file module.h.
Referenced by _user_malloc(), _user_realloc(), add_note(), answer_local_whom(), bot_bye(), bot_linked(), bot_nlinked(), bot_reject(), bot_thisbot(), bot_trace(), botaddr_pack(), botnet_send_act(), botnet_send_assoc(), botnet_send_away(), botnet_send_chan(), botnet_send_chat(), botnet_send_filereject(), botnet_send_filereq(), botnet_send_filesend(), botnet_send_idle(), botnet_send_infoq(), botnet_send_join_idx(), botnet_send_join_party(), botnet_send_link(), botnet_send_motd(), botnet_send_nkch(), botnet_send_nkch_part(), botnet_send_nlinked(), botnet_send_part_idx(), botnet_send_part_party(), botnet_send_reject(), botnet_send_trace(), botnet_send_traced(), botnet_send_unlink(), botnet_send_unlinked(), botnet_send_update(), botnet_send_who(), botnet_send_zapf(), botnet_send_zapf_broad(), botunlink(), channels_writeuserfile(), check_botnet_pings(), check_tcl_msgm(), cmd_banner(), cmd_botinfo(), cmd_link(), cmd_motd(), cmd_onwire(), cmd_pls_ignore(), cmd_reget_get(), cmd_trace(), cmd_unlink(), cmd_who(), console_chon(), console_pack(), console_tcl_get(), convert_old_db(), ctcp_CHAT(), ctcp_CLIENTINFO(), ctcp_ECHOERR(), ctcp_FINGER(), ctcp_PING(), ctcp_TIME(), ctcp_USERINFO(), ctcp_VERSION(), dcc_ident(), dcc_telnet_new(), detect_chan_flood(), detect_flood(), display_dcc_bot(), display_dcc_chat(), dump_links(), EGG_VARARGS_DEF(), enforce_bans(), eof_dcc_ident(), expired_mask(), fast_deq(), filedb_open(), files_reget(), got352or4(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_exempt(), got_halfop(), got_invite(), got_op(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), irc_report(), link_assoc(), punish_badguy(), remote_filereq(), remote_tell_who(), resolve_help(), status_tbufs(), tell_who(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), u_addinvite(), wire_join(), wire_leave(), and zapfbot().
#define sockoptions ((int (*)(int, int, int))global[269]) |
Definition at line 455 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_telnet(), and dcc_telnet_got_ident().
#define splitc ((void (*)(char *,char *,char))global[139]) |
Definition at line 277 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_note(), bot_priv(), bot_traced(), cmd_note(), cmd_reget_get(), dcc_telnet_pw(), files_reget(), and tcl_eggstr().
#define splitnick ((char *(*)(char **))global[138]) |
Definition at line 276 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_chanlist(), expired_mask(), gotinvite(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnick(), gotnotice(), gotpart(), gotquit(), gottopic(), gotwall(), maybe_revenge(), punish_badguy(), set_chanlist(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), and tell_invites().
#define str_escape ((char *(*)(const char *, const char, const char))global[262]) |
Definition at line 442 of file module.h.
Referenced by int(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), u_addinvite(), u_delban(), u_delexempt(), u_delinvite(), write_bans(), write_exempts(), and write_invites().
#define str_isdigit ((int (*) (const char *))global[292]) |
Definition at line 484 of file module.h.
Referenced by addr_match(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_stick_yn(), mask_match(), u_delban(), u_delexempt(), u_delinvite(), and u_setsticky_mask().
#define str_unescape ((void (*)(char *, register const char))global[264]) |
Definition at line 445 of file module.h.
Referenced by share_mns_ban(), share_mns_banchan(), share_mns_exempt(), share_mns_exemptchan(), share_mns_ignore(), share_mns_invite(), share_mns_invitechan(), share_pls_ban(), share_pls_banchan(), share_pls_exempt(), share_pls_exemptchan(), share_pls_ignore(), share_pls_invite(), and share_pls_invitechan().
#define strchr_unescape ((char *(*)(char *, const char, register const char))global[263]) |
Definition at line 443 of file module.h.
Referenced by str_unescape().
#define strip_mirc_codes ((void (*)(int, char *))global[289]) |
Definition at line 480 of file module.h.
Referenced by out_dcc_general(), and tcl_stripcodes().
#define stripmasktype ((const char *(*)(int))global[203]) |
Definition at line 357 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_strip(), console_display(), console_pack(), console_store(), console_tcl_get(), and console_write_userfile().
#define stripmodes ((int(*)(char *))global[202]) |
Definition at line 356 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_strip(), console_tcl_set(), and console_unpack().
#define sub_lang ((void(*)(int,char *))global[204]) |
Definition at line 359 of file module.h.
Referenced by dcc_telnet_got_ident(), and welcome_to_files().
#define tell_bottree ((void (*)(int, int))global[276]) |
Definition at line 464 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_bottree(), and cmd_vbottree().
#define tell_mem_status ((void(*)(char *))global[169]) |
Definition at line 315 of file module.h.
Referenced by msg_memory().
#define tellhelp ((void(*)(int, char *, struct flag_record *, int))global[156]) |
Definition at line 299 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_file_help(), cmd_help(), and tcl_dccdumpfile().
#define tempdir ((char *)(global[112])) |
Definition at line 244 of file module.h.
Referenced by chanprog(), do_dcc_send(), filesys_dcc_send_hostresolved(), remote_filereq(), send_next_file(), and tell_settings().
Definition at line 304 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_join(), bot_part(), bot_version(), cmd_files(), dcc_files(), dcc_files_pass(), rembot(), and set_handle_laston().
#define tputs ((void (*) (int, char *,unsigned int))global[79]) |
Definition at line 202 of file module.h.
Referenced by append_line(), botnet_send_filereject(), botnet_send_filereq(), botnet_send_filesend(), botnet_send_link(), botnet_send_motd(), botnet_send_ping(), botnet_send_pong(), botnet_send_reject(), botnet_send_trace(), botnet_send_traced(), botnet_send_unlink(), botnet_send_who(), botnet_send_zapf(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_telnet_pass(), dump_links(), EGG_VARARGS_DEF(), flush_lines(), out_dcc_general(), out_dcc_script(), out_relay(), send_tand_but(), shareout_but(), and shareout_mod().
#define u_pass_match ((int (*)(struct userrec *,char *))global[38]) |
Definition at line 151 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_su(), ctcp_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), dcc_chat_pass(), dcc_files_pass(), dcc_telnet_pass(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), msg_addhost(), msg_die(), msg_halfop(), msg_ident(), msg_info(), msg_invite(), msg_jump(), msg_key(), msg_memory(), msg_op(), msg_pass(), msg_rehash(), msg_reset(), msg_save(), msg_status(), msg_voice(), and tcl_passwdOk().
#define updatebot ((void(*)(int,char*,char,int))global[34]) |
Definition at line 146 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_update(), cancel_user_xfer(), finish_share(), share_close(), share_resync(), share_resyncq(), and start_sending_users().
#define use_exempts (*(int *)(global[225])) |
Definition at line 385 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_exemptlist(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), check_this_ban(), check_this_member(), cmd_exempts(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_stick_yn(), detect_chan_flood(), do_nettype(), got348(), got349(), gotjoin(), gotmsg(), gotnotice(), kick_all(), recheck_channel(), reset_chan_info(), and status_log().
#define use_invites (*(int *)(global[226])) |
Definition at line 386 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_invites(), check_this_member(), cmd_invites(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_stick_yn(), do_nettype(), got346(), got347(), recheck_channel(), reset_chan_info(), and status_log().
#define user_del_chan ((void(*)(char *))(global[193])) |
Definition at line 345 of file module.h.
Referenced by remove_channel().
#define user_malloc | ( | x | ) | ((void *(*)(int,char *,int))global[39])(x,__FILE__,__LINE__) |
Definition at line 152 of file module.h.
Referenced by add_chanrec(), botaddr_dupuser(), botaddr_gotshare(), botaddr_pack(), botaddr_tcl_set(), botaddr_unpack(), botfl_pack(), cmd_chaddr(), cmd_pls_bot(), console_dupuser(), console_pack(), console_store(), console_tcl_set(), console_unpack(), def_pack(), dup_userlist(), fstat_dupuser(), fstat_gotshare(), fstat_pack(), fstat_tcl_set(), fstat_unpack(), hosts_set(), laston_dupuser(), laston_pack(), laston_tcl_set(), laston_unpack(), pass_set(), set_handle_chaninfo(), set_user_flagrec(), share_change(), stats_add_dnload(), stats_add_upload(), tcl_addbot(), tcl_setuser(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), and u_addinvite().
#define user_realloc | ( | x, | |||
y | ) | ((void *(*)(void *,int,char *,int))global[229])((x),(y),__FILE__,__LINE__) |
#define USERENTRY_BOTADDR (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[188])) |
Definition at line 339 of file module.h.
Referenced by botaddr_dupuser(), botlink(), cmd_chaddr(), cmd_pls_bot(), init_userent(), share_change(), start_sending_users(), tandem_relay(), and tcl_addbot().
#define USERENTRY_BOTFL (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[189])) |
Definition at line 340 of file module.h.
Referenced by finish_share(), get_user_flagrec(), init_userent(), and set_user_flagrec().
#define USERENTRY_COMMENT (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[195])) |
Definition at line 347 of file module.h.
Referenced by check_this_member(), cmd_comment(), gotjoin(), init_userent(), and punish_badguy().
#define USERENTRY_HOSTS (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[190])) |
Definition at line 341 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_pls_host(), get_user_by_equal_host(), global(), hosts_dupuser(), init_userent(), msg_hello(), share_pls_bothost(), share_pls_host(), and start_sending_users().
#define USERENTRY_INFO (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[194])) |
Definition at line 346 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_chinfo(), cmd_info(), console_chon(), def_set(), filesys_start(), gotjoin(), init_userent(), msg_info(), msg_who(), msg_whois(), and notes_start().
#define USERENTRY_LASTON (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[196])) |
Definition at line 349 of file module.h.
Referenced by do_seen(), gotjoin(), init_userent(), laston_dupuser(), and laston_tcl_set().
#define USERENTRY_PASS (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[191])) |
Definition at line 342 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_handshake(), cmd_chpass(), cmd_newpass(), dcc_bot_check_digest(), dcc_bot_new(), dcc_telnet_pass(), dcc_telnet_pw(), dup_userlist(), finish_share(), global(), init_userent(), and msg_pass().
#define USERENTRY_XTRA (*(struct user_entry_type *)(global[192])) |
Definition at line 344 of file module.h.
Referenced by getxtra(), global(), init_userent(), and msg_whois().
#define userfile ((char *)global[118]) |
Definition at line 251 of file module.h.
Referenced by backup_userfile(), channels_writeuserfile(), chanprog(), reload(), and tell_settings().
#define userfile_perm (*(int *)global[247]) |
Definition at line 423 of file module.h.
Referenced by expire_notes(), notes_change(), tcl_eggint(), and write_channels().
Definition at line 221 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_adduser(), cmd_chinfo(), cmd_filestats(), cmd_fwd(), cmd_info(), cmd_mns_chrec(), cmd_mns_noteign(), cmd_noteigns(), cmd_optimize(), cmd_pls_chrec(), cmd_pls_noteign(), ctcp_CHAT(), ctcp_DCC_CHAT(), ctcp_PING(), dcc_files_pass(), do_seen(), dup_userlist(), expire_notes(), files_setpwd(), filesys_DCC_CHAT(), filesys_note(), finish_share(), get_handle_chaninfo(), getxtra(), msg_hello(), msg_ident(), msg_info(), msg_status(), msg_whois(), punish_badguy(), q_resync(), q_tbuf(), recheck_channel(), set_handle_chaninfo(), share_change(), share_chattr(), share_chchinfo(), share_chhand(), share_killuser(), share_mns_chrec(), share_mns_host(), share_newuser(), share_pls_bothost(), share_pls_chrec(), share_pls_host(), start_sending_users(), and tell_file_stats().
#define users_in_subtree ((int (*)(tand_t *))global[250]) |
Definition at line 427 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_bye(), bot_linked(), botunlink(), check_botnet_pings(), cont_link(), eof_dcc_bot(), users_in_subtree(), and zapfbot().
#define ver ((char *)global[119]) |
Definition at line 252 of file module.h.
Referenced by bot_infoq(), cmd_botinfo(), ctcp_start(), greet_new_bot(), help_subst(), init_uptime(), main(), msg_status(), remote_tell_who(), tell_verbose_status(), write_channels(), and write_tmp_userfile().
#define wild_match ((int (*)(const char *, const char *))global[153]) |
Definition at line 295 of file module.h.
Referenced by addr_match(), dcc_telnet_hostresolved(), dcc_telnet_id(), detect_chan_flood(), mask_match(), tcl_matchstr(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), tell_invites(), and tellwildhelp().
#define wild_match_per ((int (*)(const char *, const char *))global[280]) |
Definition at line 469 of file module.h.
Referenced by tcl_binds().
#define write_ignores ((int (*)(FILE *, int))global[282]) |
Definition at line 471 of file module.h.
Referenced by write_tmp_userfile().
#define write_user ((int (*)(struct userrec *, FILE *,int))global[60]) |
Definition at line 179 of file module.h.
Referenced by write_tmp_userfile().
#define write_userfile ((void(*)(int))global[55]) |
Definition at line 172 of file module.h.
Referenced by cmd_rehash(), cmd_restart(), cmd_save(), core_hourly(), dcc_telnet_new(), got_hup(), got_term(), kill_bot(), msg_die(), msg_hello(), msg_rehash(), msg_save(), and tcl_save().
#define xtra_kill ((void (*)(struct user_entry *))global[144]) |
#define xtra_set ((int(*)(struct userrec *,struct user_entry *, void *))global[231]) |
#define xtra_unpack ((void (*)(struct userrec *, struct user_entry *))global[145]) |
#define zapfbot ((void (*)(int))global[36]) |
Definition at line 149 of file module.h.
Referenced by share_ufsend(), and uf_features_check().