#include <chan.h>
Data Fields | |
struct chanset_t * | next |
struct chan_t | channel |
char | dname [81] |
char | name [81] |
char | need_op [121] |
char | need_key [121] |
char | need_limit [121] |
char | need_unban [121] |
char | need_invite [121] |
int | flood_pub_thr |
int | flood_pub_time |
int | flood_join_thr |
int | flood_join_time |
int | flood_deop_thr |
int | flood_deop_time |
int | flood_kick_thr |
int | flood_kick_time |
int | flood_ctcp_thr |
int | flood_ctcp_time |
int | flood_nick_thr |
int | flood_nick_time |
int | aop_min |
int | aop_max |
long | status |
int | ircnet_status |
int | idle_kick |
int | stopnethack_mode |
int | revenge_mode |
int | ban_type |
int | ban_time |
int | invite_time |
int | exempt_time |
maskrec * | bans |
maskrec * | exempts |
maskrec * | invites |
int | mode_pls_prot |
int | mode_mns_prot |
int | limit_prot |
char | key_prot [121] |
char | pls [21] |
char | mns [21] |
char * | key |
char * | rmkey |
int | limit |
int | bytes |
int | compat |
struct { | |
char * op | |
int type | |
} | cmode [6] |
char | floodwho [FLOOD_CHAN_MAX][81] |
time_t | floodtime [FLOOD_CHAN_MAX] |
int | floodnum [FLOOD_CHAN_MAX] |
char | deopd [NICKLEN] |
Definition at line 156 of file chan.h.
int aop_max |
Definition at line 180 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), set_delay(), and write_channels().
int aop_min |
Definition at line 179 of file chan.h.
Referenced by check_this_member(), cmd_chaninfo(), gotjoin(), set_delay(), and write_channels().
int ban_time |
Definition at line 187 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), check_expired_chanstuff(), cmd_chaninfo(), cmd_kickban(), detect_chan_flood(), gotmsg(), gotnotice(), punish_badguy(), and write_channels().
int ban_type |
Definition at line 186 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), cmd_chaninfo(), punish_badguy(), quickban(), and write_channels().
Definition at line 190 of file chan.h.
Referenced by check_expired_bans(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_this_member(), cmd_mns_ban(), detect_chan_flood(), expmem_users(), finish_share(), got_ban(), got_unban(), gotjoin(), real_add_mode(), recheck_bans(), refresh_ban_kick(), remove_channel(), status_log(), tell_bans(), u_addban(), u_delban(), void(), and write_bans().
int bytes |
Definition at line 202 of file chan.h.
Referenced by flush_mode(), and real_add_mode().
Definition at line 158 of file chan.h.
Referenced by any_ops(), channels_expmem(), channels_report(), check_chanlist(), check_chanlist_hand(), check_exemptlist(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), check_lonely_channel(), check_this_ban(), check_this_user(), clear_chanlist(), clear_chanlist_member(), cmd_act(), cmd_channel(), cmd_invite(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_say(), cmd_topic(), detect_chan_flood(), do_seen(), enforce_bans(), expired_mask(), flush_modes(), getchanmode(), getnick(), got001(), got315(), got324(), got442(), got475(), got_ban(), got_deop(), got_unban(), got_unexempt(), got_uninvite(), gotinvite(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotpart(), hand_on_chan(), ismember(), kick_all(), killmember(), minutely_checks(), msg_invite(), msg_key(), msg_who(), newmember(), quickban(), real_add_mode(), recheck_channel(), recheck_channel_modes(), recheck_exempts(), recheck_invites(), refresh_ban_kick(), refresh_exempt(), refresh_invite(), remove_channel(), reset_chan_info(), set_chanlist(), set_delay(), set_key(), set_topic(), status_log(), sync_members(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), and tell_invites().
struct { ... } cmode[ 6 ] |
Referenced by channels_expmem(), flush_mode(), real_add_mode(), and remove_channel().
int compat |
Definition at line 203 of file chan.h.
Referenced by flush_mode(), and real_add_mode().
char deopd[NICKLEN] |
Definition at line 211 of file chan.h.
Referenced by detect_chan_flood().
char dname[81] |
Definition at line 159 of file chan.h.
Referenced by add_bot_hostmask(), bot_infoq(), channels_chon(), channels_report(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), check_lonely_channel(), check_this_user(), cmd_act(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_botattr(), cmd_botinfo(), cmd_chaninfo(), cmd_channel(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_chattr(), cmd_dehalfop(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_deop(), cmd_devoice(), cmd_halfop(), cmd_invite(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_chan(), cmd_mns_chrec(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_op(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_chan(), cmd_pls_chrec(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_reset(), cmd_resetbans(), cmd_resetexempts(), cmd_resetinvites(), cmd_say(), cmd_topic(), cmd_voice(), dcc_telnet_got_ident(), detect_chan_flood(), do_channel_part(), do_seen(), findchan_by_dname(), finish_share(), got001(), got315(), got331(), got332(), got352or4(), got403(), got471(), got473(), got474(), got475(), got_ban(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_exempt(), got_halfop(), got_invite(), got_op(), got_unban(), got_unexempt(), got_uninvite(), gotinvite(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnick(), gotnotice(), gotpart(), gotquit(), gottopic(), has_op(), has_oporhalfop(), help_subst(), irc_report(), irc_start(), kick_all(), modebind_refresh(), msg_go(), msg_halfop(), msg_hello(), msg_invite(), msg_op(), msg_status(), msg_voice(), msg_who(), msg_whois(), pub_seen(), punish_badguy(), q_resync(), q_tbuf(), read_channels(), recheck_channel(), refresh_ban_kick(), remote_tell_who(), remove_channel(), share_stick_ban(), share_stick_exempt(), share_stick_invite(), shareout_but(), shareout_mod(), status_log(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), tell_invites(), u_addban(), u_addexempt(), u_addinvite(), u_delban(), u_delexempt(), u_delinvite(), u_setsticky_mask(), want_to_revenge(), write_bans(), write_channels(), write_exempts(), and write_invites().
int exempt_time |
Definition at line 189 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), check_expired_chanstuff(), cmd_chaninfo(), and write_channels().
Definition at line 190 of file chan.h.
Referenced by check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), check_this_ban(), check_this_member(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_mns_exempt(), detect_chan_flood(), expmem_users(), finish_share(), got_exempt(), got_unexempt(), gotjoin(), gotmsg(), gotnotice(), kick_all(), real_add_mode(), recheck_exempts(), refresh_exempt(), remove_channel(), status_log(), tell_exempts(), u_addexempt(), u_delexempt(), void(), and write_exempts().
int flood_ctcp_thr |
Definition at line 175 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_ctcp_time |
Definition at line 176 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_deop_thr |
Definition at line 171 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_deop_time |
Definition at line 172 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_join_thr |
Definition at line 169 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_join_time |
Definition at line 170 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_kick_thr |
Definition at line 173 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_kick_time |
Definition at line 174 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_nick_thr |
Definition at line 177 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_nick_time |
Definition at line 178 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_pub_thr |
Definition at line 167 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int flood_pub_time |
Definition at line 168 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), detect_chan_flood(), and write_channels().
int floodnum[FLOOD_CHAN_MAX] |
Definition at line 210 of file chan.h.
Referenced by detect_chan_flood().
Definition at line 209 of file chan.h.
Referenced by detect_chan_flood().
char floodwho[FLOOD_CHAN_MAX][81] |
Definition at line 208 of file chan.h.
Referenced by detect_chan_flood().
int idle_kick |
Definition at line 183 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), check_expired_chanstuff(), cmd_chaninfo(), and write_channels().
int invite_time |
Definition at line 188 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), check_expired_chanstuff(), cmd_chaninfo(), and write_channels().
Definition at line 190 of file chan.h.
Referenced by check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_invites(), check_this_member(), cmd_mns_invite(), expmem_users(), finish_share(), got_invite(), got_uninvite(), gotjoin(), real_add_mode(), recheck_invites(), refresh_invite(), remove_channel(), status_log(), tell_invites(), u_addinvite(), u_delinvite(), void(), and write_invites().
int ircnet_status |
Definition at line 182 of file chan.h.
Referenced by cmd_chaninfo(), got347(), got349(), irc_start(), recheck_channel(), and reset_chan_info().
char* key |
Definition at line 199 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_expmem(), flush_mode(), got315(), gotinvite(), real_add_mode(), and remove_channel().
char key_prot[121] |
Definition at line 196 of file chan.h.
Referenced by check_expired_chanstuff(), check_lonely_channel(), get_mode_protect(), got001(), got315(), got442(), got475(), got_key(), gotinvite(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotpart(), irc_start(), recheck_channel_modes(), and set_mode_protect().
int limit |
Definition at line 201 of file chan.h.
Referenced by flush_mode(), and real_add_mode().
int limit_prot |
Definition at line 195 of file chan.h.
Referenced by get_mode_protect(), gotmode(), recheck_channel_modes(), and set_mode_protect().
char mns[21] |
Definition at line 198 of file chan.h.
Referenced by flush_mode(), and real_add_mode().
int mode_mns_prot |
Definition at line 194 of file chan.h.
Referenced by get_mode_protect(), got_key(), gotmode(), recheck_channel_modes(), and set_mode_protect().
int mode_pls_prot |
Definition at line 193 of file chan.h.
Referenced by get_mode_protect(), got_key(), gotmode(), recheck_channel_modes(), and set_mode_protect().
char name[81] |
Definition at line 160 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_lonely_channel(), check_this_member(), cmd_act(), cmd_invite(), cmd_kick(), cmd_kickban(), cmd_say(), cmd_topic(), detect_chan_flood(), do_channel_part(), findchan(), flush_mode(), got001(), got315(), got442(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_halfop(), got_op(), gotinvite(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotmsg(), gotnotice(), gotpart(), irc_start(), kick_all(), msg_go(), msg_invite(), msg_key(), pub_seen(), punish_badguy(), recheck_channel(), reset_chan_info(), sharein_mod(), and write_channels().
char need_invite[121] |
Definition at line 166 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), cmd_chaninfo(), got473(), and write_channels().
char need_key[121] |
Definition at line 163 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), cmd_chaninfo(), got475(), and write_channels().
char need_limit[121] |
Definition at line 164 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), cmd_chaninfo(), got471(), and write_channels().
char need_op[121] |
Definition at line 162 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), check_lonely_channel(), cmd_chaninfo(), got352or4(), got_deop(), and write_channels().
char need_unban[121] |
Definition at line 165 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), cmd_chaninfo(), got474(), and write_channels().
Definition at line 157 of file chan.h.
Referenced by add_bot_hostmask(), bot_infoq(), bot_nlinked(), channels_chon(), channels_expmem(), channels_report(), chanset_unlink(), check_chanlist(), check_chanlist_hand(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_chanstuff(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), check_this_user(), clear_chanlist(), clear_chanlist_member(), cmd_adduser(), cmd_botinfo(), cmd_chanset(), cmd_deluser(), cmd_mns_ban(), cmd_mns_exempt(), cmd_mns_invite(), cmd_pls_ban(), cmd_pls_exempt(), cmd_pls_invite(), cmd_reset(), cmd_stick_yn(), connect_server(), do_seen(), expmem_users(), findchan(), findchan_by_dname(), finish_share(), flush_modes(), got001(), gotnick(), gotquit(), help_subst(), irc_close(), irc_report(), irc_start(), kill_server(), main(), minutely_checks(), msg_go(), msg_halfop(), msg_hello(), msg_invite(), msg_op(), msg_reset(), msg_status(), msg_voice(), msg_whois(), read_channels(), remote_tell_who(), set_chanlist(), share_chattr(), share_mns_ban(), share_mns_exempt(), share_mns_invite(), status_log(), void(), write_bans(), write_channels(), write_exempts(), and write_invites().
char* op |
Definition at line 205 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_expmem(), flush_mode(), real_add_mode(), and remove_channel().
char pls[21] |
Definition at line 197 of file chan.h.
Referenced by flush_mode(), and real_add_mode().
int revenge_mode |
Definition at line 185 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), cmd_chaninfo(), punish_badguy(), and write_channels().
char* rmkey |
Definition at line 200 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_expmem(), flush_mode(), real_add_mode(), and remove_channel().
long status |
Definition at line 181 of file chan.h.
Referenced by check_lonely_channel(), cmd_chaninfo(), connect_server(), got001(), got315(), got324(), got368(), got437(), got442(), got_dehalfop(), got_deop(), got_halfop(), got_op(), gotjoin(), gotkick(), gotmode(), gotpart(), hook_read_userfile(), irc_report(), irc_start(), msg_go(), read_channels(), recheck_channel(), recheck_channel_modes(), remote_tell_who(), reset_chan_info(), share_mns_ban(), share_mns_banchan(), share_mns_exempt(), share_mns_exemptchan(), share_mns_ignore(), share_mns_invite(), share_mns_invitechan(), share_pls_ban(), share_pls_banchan(), share_pls_exempt(), share_pls_exemptchan(), share_pls_ignore(), share_pls_invite(), share_pls_invitechan(), share_resync(), share_ufno(), share_ufyes(), share_userfileq(), shareout_but(), shareout_mod(), tell_bans(), tell_exempts(), tell_invites(), write_bans(), write_exempts(), and write_invites().
int stopnethack_mode |
Definition at line 184 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_report(), cmd_chaninfo(), got_halfop(), got_op(), and write_channels().
int type |
Definition at line 206 of file chan.h.
Referenced by channels_chon(), check_dcc_chanattrs(), check_expired_dcc(), cmd_me(), cmd_mns_chan(), finish_share(), flush_mode(), hook_read_userfile(), real_add_mode(), remote_tell_who(), share_userfileq(), shareout_but(), and shareout_mod().