src/mod/irc.mod/msgcmds.c File Reference

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static int msg_hello (char *nick, char *h, struct userrec *u, char *p)
static int msg_pass (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_ident (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_addhost (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_info (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_who (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_whois (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_help (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_op (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_halfop (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_key (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_voice (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_invite (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_status (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_memory (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_die (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_rehash (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_save (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_reset (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_go (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)
static int msg_jump (char *nick, char *host, struct userrec *u, char *par)


static cmd_t C_msg []

Function Documentation

static int msg_addhost ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 220 of file msgcmds.c.

References addhost_by_handle, check_this_user(), DP_HELP, dprintf, userrec::flags, get_user_by_host, userrec::handle, IRC_ADDHOSTMASK, IRC_DENYACCESS, IRC_FAILCOMMON, IRC_NOPASS, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newsplit, NULL, origbotname, putlog, quiet_reject, rfc_casecmp, u_pass_match, USER_BOT, and USER_COMMON.

00221 {
00222   char *pass;
00224   if (match_my_nick(nick) || !u || (u->flags & USER_BOT))
00225     return 1;
00227   if (u->flags & USER_COMMON) {
00228     if (!quiet_reject)
00229       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_FAILCOMMON);
00230     return 1;
00231   }
00232   pass = newsplit(&par);
00233   if (!par[0]) {
00234     if (!quiet_reject)
00235       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :You must supply a hostmask\n", nick);
00236   } else if (rfc_casecmp(u->handle, origbotname)) {
00237     /* This could be used as detection... */
00238     if (u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00239       if (!quiet_reject)
00240         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOPASS);
00241     } else if (!u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00242       if (!quiet_reject)
00243         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_DENYACCESS);
00244     } else if (get_user_by_host(par)) {
00245       if (!quiet_reject)
00246         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :That hostmask clashes with another "
00247                 "already in use.\n", nick);
00248     } else {
00249       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! ADDHOST %s", nick, host, par);
00250       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: %s\n", nick, IRC_ADDHOSTMASK, par);
00251       addhost_by_handle(u->handle, par);
00252       check_this_user(u->handle, 0, NULL);
00253       return 1;
00254     }
00255   }
00256   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! failed ADDHOST %s", nick, host, par);
00257   return 1;
00258 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_die ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 902 of file msgcmds.c.

References BOT_MSGDIE, botnet_send_bye, botnet_send_chat, botnetnick, chatout, DP_HELP, dprintf, egg_snprintf, fatal, userrec::handle, IRC_NOPASS, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newsplit, nuke_server(), putlog, quiet_reject, serv, u_pass_match, and write_userfile.

00903 {
00904   char s[1024];
00905   char *pass;
00907   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00908     return 1;
00910   if (!u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00911     pass = newsplit(&par);
00912     if (!u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00913       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed DIE", nick, host, u->handle);
00914       return 1;
00915     }
00916   } else {
00917     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed DIE", nick, host, u->handle);
00918     if (!quiet_reject)
00919       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOPASS);
00920     return 1;
00921   }
00922   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! DIE", nick, host, u->handle);
00923   dprintf(-serv, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, BOT_MSGDIE);
00924   if (!par[0])
00925     egg_snprintf(s, sizeof s, "BOT SHUTDOWN (authorized by %s)", u->handle);
00926   else
00927     egg_snprintf(s, sizeof s, "BOT SHUTDOWN (%s: %s)", u->handle, par);
00928   chatout("*** %s\n", s);
00929   botnet_send_chat(-1, botnetnick, s);
00930   botnet_send_bye();
00931   if (!par[0])
00932     nuke_server(nick);
00933   else
00934     nuke_server(par);
00935   write_userfile(-1);
00936   sleep(1);                     /* Give the server time to understand */
00937   egg_snprintf(s, sizeof s, "DEAD BY REQUEST OF %s!%s", nick, host);
00938   fatal(s, 0);
00939   return 1;
00940 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_go ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 1014 of file msgcmds.c.

References CHAN_ACTIVE, chan_deop, chan_op, chanset, chanset_t::dname, DP_SERVER, dprintf, findchan_by_dname, FR_CHAN, FR_GLOBAL, get_user_flagrec, glob_op, userrec::handle, ismember, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), me_op(), chanset_t::name, chanset_t::next, putlog, and chanset_t::status.

01015 {
01016   struct chanset_t *chan;
01017   int ok = 0, ok2 = 0;
01018   struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
01020   if (match_my_nick(nick))
01021     return 1;
01023   if (!u)
01024     return 0;
01026   if (par[0]) {
01027     chan = findchan_by_dname(par);
01028     if (!chan)
01029       return 0;
01030     if (!(chan->status & CHAN_ACTIVE)) {
01031       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed GO %s (i'm blind)", nick,
01032              host, u->handle, par);
01033       return 1;
01034     }
01035     get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, par);
01036     if (!chan_op(fr) && !(glob_op(fr) && !chan_deop(fr))) {
01037       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed GO %s (not op)", nick, host,
01038              u->handle, par);
01039       return 1;
01040     }
01041     if (!me_op(chan)) {
01042       dprintf(DP_SERVER, "PART %s\n", chan->name);
01043       putlog(LOG_CMDS, chan->dname, "(%s!%s) !%s! GO %s", nick, host,
01044              u->handle, par);
01045       return 1;
01046     }
01047     putlog(LOG_CMDS, chan->dname, "(%s!%s) !%s! failed GO %s (i'm chop)",
01048            nick, host, u->handle, par);
01049     return 1;
01050   }
01051   for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) {
01052     if (ismember(chan, nick)) {
01053       get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, par);
01054       if (chan_op(fr) || (glob_op(fr) && !chan_deop(fr))) {
01055         ok2 = 1;
01056         if (!me_op(chan)) {
01057           dprintf(DP_SERVER, "PART %s\n", chan->name);
01058           ok = 1;
01059         }
01060       }
01061     }
01062   }
01063   if (ok) {
01064     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! GO %s", nick, host, u->handle, par);
01065   } else if (ok2) {
01066     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed GO %s (i'm chop)", nick, host,
01067            u->handle, par);
01068   } else {
01069     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed GO %s (not op)", nick, host,
01070            u->handle, par);
01071   }
01072   return 1;
01073 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_halfop ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 608 of file msgcmds.c.

References add_mode, chan_dehalfop, chan_deop, chan_halfop, chan_op, channel_active, chanset, chanset_t::dname, findchan_by_dname, FR_CHAN, FR_GLOBAL, get_user_flagrec, glob_halfop, glob_op, userrec::handle, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newsplit, chanset_t::next, putlog, and u_pass_match.

00609 {
00610   struct chanset_t *chan;
00611   char *pass;
00612   struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
00614   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00615     return 1;
00617   pass = newsplit(&par);
00618   if (u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00619     if (!u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00620       if (par[0]) {
00621         chan = findchan_by_dname(par);
00622         if (chan && channel_active(chan)) {
00623           get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, par);
00624           if (chan_op(fr) || chan_halfop(fr) || (glob_op(fr) &&
00625               !chan_deop(fr)) || (glob_halfop(fr) && !chan_dehalfop(fr)))
00626             add_mode(chan, '+', 'h', nick);
00627           putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! HALFOP %s",
00628                  nick, host, u->handle, par);
00629           return 1;
00630         }
00631       } else {
00632         for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) {
00633           get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chan->dname);
00634           if (chan_op(fr) || chan_halfop(fr) || (glob_op(fr) &&
00635               !chan_deop(fr)) || (glob_halfop(fr) && !chan_dehalfop(fr)))
00636             add_mode(chan, '+', 'h', nick);
00637         }
00638         putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! HALFOP", nick, host, u->handle);
00639         return 1;
00640       }
00641     }
00642   }
00643   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! failed HALFOP", nick, host);
00644   return 1;
00645 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_hello ( char *  nick,
char *  h,
struct userrec u,
char *  p 
) [static]

Definition at line 26 of file msgcmds.c.

References add_chanrec_by_handle(), add_note, adduser, botname, botnetnick, chanset, default_flags, chanset_t::dname, DP_HELP, dprintf, egg_snprintf, userrec::flags, get_user_by_handle, global_bans, userrec::handle, HANDLEN, IRC_BADHOST1, IRC_BADHOST2, IRC_BANNED2, IRC_COMMONSITE, IRC_HI, IRC_INIT1, IRC_INITINTRO, IRC_INITNOTE, IRC_INITOWNER1, IRC_INTRO1, IRC_INTRODUCED, IRC_NEWBOT1, IRC_NEWBOT2, IRC_NICKTOOLONG, IRC_SALUT1, IRC_SALUT2, IRC_SALUT2A, IRC_SALUT2B, ismember, learn_users, LOG_MISC, make_userfile, maskhost, match_my_nick(), chanset_t::next, notify_new, NULL, putlog, rmspace, sanity_check, set_user, strncpyz, u_match_mask(), UHOSTLEN, USER_COMMON, USER_DEFAULT, USER_MASTER, USER_OWNER, USERENTRY_HOSTS, userlist, and write_userfile.

00027 {
00028   char host[UHOSTLEN], s[UHOSTLEN], s1[UHOSTLEN], handle[HANDLEN + 1];
00029   char *p1;
00030   int common = 0;
00031   int atr = 0;
00032   struct chanset_t *chan;
00034   if (!learn_users && !make_userfile)
00035     return 0;
00037   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00038     return 1;
00040   if (u) {
00041     atr = u->flags;
00042     if (!(atr & USER_COMMON)) {
00043       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s, %s.\n", nick, IRC_HI, u->handle);
00044       return 1;
00045     }
00046   }
00047   strncpyz(handle, nick, sizeof(handle));
00048   if (get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle)) {
00049     dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_BADHOST1, nick);
00050     dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_BADHOST2, nick, botname);
00051     return 1;
00052   }
00053   egg_snprintf(s, sizeof s, "%s!%s", nick, h);
00054   if (u_match_mask(global_bans, s)) {
00055     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s.\n", nick, IRC_BANNED2);
00056     return 1;
00057   }
00058   if (atr & USER_COMMON) {
00059     maskhost(s, host);
00060     strcpy(s, host);
00061     egg_snprintf(host, sizeof host, "%s!%s", nick, s + 2);
00062     userlist = adduser(userlist, handle, host, "-", USER_DEFAULT);
00063     putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "%s %s (%s) -- %s",
00064            IRC_INTRODUCED, nick, host, IRC_COMMONSITE);
00065     common = 1;
00066   } else {
00067     maskhost(s, host);
00068     if (make_userfile) {
00069       userlist = adduser(userlist, handle, host, "-",
00070                  sanity_check(default_flags | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER));
00071       set_user(&USERENTRY_HOSTS, get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle),
00072                "-telnet!*@*");
00073     } else
00074       userlist = adduser(userlist, handle, host, "-",
00075                          sanity_check(default_flags));
00076     putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "%s %s (%s)", IRC_INTRODUCED, nick, host);
00077   }
00078   for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next)
00079     if (ismember(chan, handle))
00080       add_chanrec_by_handle(userlist, handle, chan->dname);
00081   dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_SALUT1, nick, nick, botname);
00082   dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_SALUT2, nick, host);
00083   if (common) {
00084     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_SALUT2A);
00085     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_SALUT2B);
00086   }
00087   if (make_userfile) {
00088     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_INITOWNER1);
00089     dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_NEWBOT1, nick, botname);
00090     dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_NEWBOT2, nick);
00091     putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", IRC_INIT1, handle);
00092     make_userfile = 0;
00093     write_userfile(-1);
00094     add_note(handle, botnetnick, IRC_INITNOTE, -1, 0);
00095   } else {
00096     dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_INTRO1, nick, botname);
00097   }
00098   if (strlen(nick) > HANDLEN)
00099     /* Notify the user that his/her handle was truncated. */
00100     dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_NICKTOOLONG, nick, handle);
00101   if (notify_new[0]) {
00102     egg_snprintf(s, sizeof s, IRC_INITINTRO, nick, host);
00103     strcpy(s1, notify_new);
00104     while (s1[0]) {
00105       p1 = strchr(s1, ',');
00106       if (p1 != NULL) {
00107         *p1 = 0;
00108         p1++;
00109         rmspace(p1);
00110       }
00111       rmspace(s1);
00112       add_note(s1, botnetnick, s, -1, 0);
00113       if (p1 == NULL)
00114         s1[0] = 0;
00115       else
00116         strcpy(s1, p1);
00117     }
00118   }
00119   return 1;
00120 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_help ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 534 of file msgcmds.c.

References botname, DP_HELP, dprintf, FR_ANYWH, FR_CHAN, FR_GLOBAL, get_user_flagrec, helpdir, IRC_DONTKNOWYOU, IRC_NOHELP, learn_users, match_my_nick(), quiet_reject, and showhelp.

00535 {
00536   char *p;
00538   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00539     return 1;
00541   if (!u) {
00542     if (!quiet_reject) {
00543       if (!learn_users)
00544         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :No access\n", nick);
00545       else {
00546         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_DONTKNOWYOU);
00547         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :/MSG %s hello\n", nick, botname);
00548       }
00549     }
00550     return 0;
00551   }
00553   if (helpdir[0]) {
00554     struct flag_record fr = { FR_ANYWH | FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
00556     get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, 0);
00557     if (!par[0])
00558       showhelp(nick, "help", &fr, 0);
00559     else {
00560       for (p = par; *p != 0; p++)
00561         if ((*p >= 'A') && (*p <= 'Z'))
00562           *p += ('a' - 'A');
00563       showhelp(nick, par, &fr, 0);
00564     }
00565   } else
00566     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOHELP);
00568   return 1;
00569 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_ident ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 161 of file msgcmds.c.

References addhost_by_handle, check_this_user(), DP_HELP, dprintf, egg_snprintf, userrec::flags, get_user_by_handle, userrec::handle, IRC_ADDHOSTMASK, IRC_DENYACCESS, IRC_FAILCOMMON, IRC_MISIDENT, IRC_NOPASS, IRC_RECOGNIZED, LOG_CMDS, maskhost, match_my_nick(), newsplit, NICKLEN, NICKMAX, NULL, origbotname, putlog, quiet_reject, rfc_casecmp, u_pass_match, UHOSTLEN, USER_BOT, USER_COMMON, and userlist.

00162 {
00163   char s[UHOSTLEN], s1[UHOSTLEN], *pass, who[NICKLEN];
00164   struct userrec *u2;
00166   if (match_my_nick(nick) || (u && (u->flags & USER_BOT)))
00167     return 1;
00169   if (u && (u->flags & USER_COMMON)) {
00170     if (!quiet_reject)
00171       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_FAILCOMMON);
00172     return 1;
00173   }
00174   pass = newsplit(&par);
00175   if (!par[0])
00176     strcpy(who, nick);
00177   else {
00178     strncpy(who, par, NICKMAX);
00179     who[NICKMAX] = 0;
00180   }
00181   u2 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, who);
00182   if (!u2) {
00183     if (u && !quiet_reject)
00184       dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_MISIDENT, nick, nick, u->handle);
00185   } else if (rfc_casecmp(who, origbotname) && !(u2->flags & USER_BOT)) {
00186     /* This could be used as detection... */
00187     if (u_pass_match(u2, "-")) {
00188       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! IDENT %s", nick, host, who);
00189       if (!quiet_reject)
00190         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOPASS);
00191     } else if (!u_pass_match(u2, pass)) {
00192       if (!quiet_reject)
00193         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_DENYACCESS);
00194     } else if (u == u2) {
00195       /*
00196        * NOTE: Checking quiet_reject *after* u_pass_match()
00197        * verifies the password makes NO sense!
00198        * (Broken since 1.3.0+bel17)  Bad Beldin! No Cookie!
00199        *   -Toth  [July 30, 2003]
00200        */
00201       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_RECOGNIZED);
00202       return 1;
00203     } else if (u) {
00204       dprintf(DP_HELP, IRC_MISIDENT, nick, who, u->handle);
00205       return 1;
00206     } else {
00207       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! IDENT %s", nick, host, who);
00208       egg_snprintf(s, sizeof s, "%s!%s", nick, host);
00209       maskhost(s, s1);
00210       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: %s\n", nick, IRC_ADDHOSTMASK, s1);
00211       addhost_by_handle(who, s1);
00212       check_this_user(who, 0, NULL);
00213       return 1;
00214     }
00215   }
00216   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! failed IDENT %s", nick, host, who);
00217   return 1;
00218 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_info ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 260 of file msgcmds.c.

References botname, CHANMETA, DP_HELP, dprintf, egg_strcasecmp, findchan_by_dname, userrec::flags, get_handle_chaninfo(), get_user, userrec::handle, IRC_FIELDCHANGED, IRC_FIELDCURRENT, IRC_FIELDTOREMOVE, IRC_INFOLOCKED, IRC_NOINFO, IRC_NOINFOON, IRC_NOMONITOR, IRC_NOPASS, IRC_REMINFO, IRC_REMINFOON, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newsplit, NULL, putlog, quiet_reject, set_handle_chaninfo(), set_user, u_pass_match, use_info, USER_BOT, USER_COMMON, USERENTRY_INFO, and userlist.

00261 {
00262   char s[121], *pass, *chname, *p;
00263   int locked = 0;
00265   if (!use_info || match_my_nick(nick))
00266     return 1;
00268   if (!u)
00269     return 0;
00271   if (u->flags & (USER_COMMON | USER_BOT))
00272     return 1;
00274   if (!u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00275     pass = newsplit(&par);
00276     if (!u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00277       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed INFO", nick, host, u->handle);
00278       return 1;
00279     }
00280   } else {
00281     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed INFO", nick, host, u->handle);
00282     if (!quiet_reject)
00283       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOPASS);
00284     return 1;
00285   }
00286   if (par[0] && (strchr(CHANMETA, par[0]) != NULL)) {
00287     if (!findchan_by_dname(chname = newsplit(&par))) {
00288       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOMONITOR);
00289       return 1;
00290     }
00291   } else
00292     chname = 0;
00293   if (par[0]) {
00294     p = get_user(&USERENTRY_INFO, u);
00295     if (p && (p[0] == '@'))
00296       locked = 1;
00297     if (chname) {
00298       get_handle_chaninfo(u->handle, chname, s);
00299       if (s[0] == '@')
00300         locked = 1;
00301     }
00302     if (locked) {
00303       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_INFOLOCKED);
00304       return 1;
00305     }
00306     if (!egg_strcasecmp(par, "none")) {
00307       par[0] = 0;
00308       if (chname) {
00309         set_handle_chaninfo(userlist, u->handle, chname, NULL);
00310         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s %s.\n", nick, IRC_REMINFOON, chname);
00311         putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! INFO %s NONE", nick, host,
00312                u->handle, chname);
00313       } else {
00314         set_user(&USERENTRY_INFO, u, NULL);
00315         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_REMINFO);
00316         putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! INFO NONE", nick, host, u->handle);
00317       }
00318       return 1;
00319     }
00320     if (par[0] == '@')
00321       par++;
00322     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s %s\n", nick, IRC_FIELDCHANGED, par);
00323     if (chname) {
00324       set_handle_chaninfo(userlist, u->handle, chname, par);
00325       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! INFO %s ...", nick, host, u->handle,
00326              chname);
00327     } else {
00328       set_user(&USERENTRY_INFO, u, par);
00329       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! INFO ...", nick, host, u->handle);
00330     }
00331     return 1;
00332   }
00333   if (chname) {
00334     get_handle_chaninfo(u->handle, chname, s);
00335     p = s;
00336     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! INFO? %s", nick, host, u->handle,
00337            chname);
00338   } else {
00339     p = get_user(&USERENTRY_INFO, u);
00340     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! INFO?", nick, host, u->handle);
00341   }
00342   if (p && p[0]) {
00343     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s %s\n", nick, IRC_FIELDCURRENT, p);
00344     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s /msg %s info <pass>%s%s none\n",
00345             nick, IRC_FIELDTOREMOVE, botname, chname ? " " : "", chname
00346             ? chname : "");
00347   } else {
00348     if (chname)
00349       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s %s.\n", nick, IRC_NOINFOON, chname);
00350     else
00351       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOINFO);
00352   }
00353   return 1;
00354 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_invite ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 742 of file msgcmds.c.

References botname, chan_dehalfop, chan_deop, chan_halfop, chan_op, CHANINV, chanset_t::channel, channel_active, chanset, chanset_t::dname, DP_HELP, DP_SERVER, dprintf, findchan_by_dname, FR_CHAN, FR_GLOBAL, get_user_flagrec, glob_halfop, glob_op, userrec::handle, IRC_NOTONCHAN, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), MISC_USAGE, chan_t::mode, chanset_t::name, newsplit, chanset_t::next, putlog, and u_pass_match.

00743 {
00744   char *pass;
00745   struct chanset_t *chan;
00746   struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
00748   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00749     return 1;
00751   pass = newsplit(&par);
00752   if (u_pass_match(u, pass) && !u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00753     if (par[0] == '*') {
00754       for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) {
00755         get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chan->dname);
00756         if ((chan_op(fr) || chan_halfop(fr) || (glob_op(fr) &&
00757             !chan_deop(fr)) || (glob_halfop(fr) && !chan_dehalfop(fr))) &&
00758             (chan->channel.mode & CHANINV))
00759           dprintf(DP_SERVER, "INVITE %s %s\n", nick, chan->name);
00760       }
00761       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! INVITE ALL", nick, host, u->handle);
00762       return 1;
00763     }
00764     if (!(chan = findchan_by_dname(par))) {
00765       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: /MSG %s invite <pass> <channel>\n",
00766               nick, MISC_USAGE, botname);
00767       return 1;
00768     }
00769     if (!channel_active(chan)) {
00770       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: %s\n", nick, par, IRC_NOTONCHAN);
00771       return 1;
00772     }
00773     /* We need to check access here also (dw 991002) */
00774     get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, par);
00775     if (chan_op(fr) || chan_halfop(fr) || (glob_op(fr) && !chan_deop(fr)) ||
00776         (glob_halfop(fr) && !chan_dehalfop(fr))) {
00777       dprintf(DP_SERVER, "INVITE %s %s\n", nick, chan->name);
00778       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! INVITE %s", nick, host,
00779              u->handle, par);
00780       return 1;
00781     }
00782   }
00783   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed INVITE %s", nick, host,
00784          (u ? u->handle : "*"), par);
00785   return 1;
00786 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_jump ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 1075 of file msgcmds.c.

References cycle_time, default_port, DP_HELP, dprintf, userrec::handle, IRC_JUMP, IRC_NOPASS, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newserver, newserverpass, newserverport, newsplit, nuke_server(), putlog, quiet_reject, serv, and u_pass_match.

01076 {
01077   char *s;
01078   int port;
01080   if (match_my_nick(nick))
01081     return 1;
01083   if (u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
01084     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed JUMP", nick, host, u->handle);
01085     if (!quiet_reject)
01086       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOPASS);
01087     return 1;
01088   }
01089   s = newsplit(&par);           /* Password */
01090   if (u_pass_match(u, s)) {
01091     if (par[0]) {
01092       s = newsplit(&par);
01093       port = atoi(newsplit(&par));
01094       if (!port)
01095         port = default_port;
01096       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! JUMP %s %d %s", nick, host,
01097              u->handle, s, port, par);
01098       strcpy(newserver, s);
01099       newserverport = port;
01100       strcpy(newserverpass, par);
01101     } else
01102       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! JUMP", nick, host, u->handle);
01103     dprintf(-serv, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_JUMP);
01104     cycle_time = 0;
01105     nuke_server("changing servers");
01106   } else
01107     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed JUMP", nick, host, u->handle);
01108   return 1;
01109 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_key ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 647 of file msgcmds.c.

References botname, chan_dehalfop, chan_deop, chan_halfop, chan_op, CHANINV, chanset_t::channel, channel_active, DP_HELP, DP_SERVER, dprintf, findchan_by_dname, FR_CHAN, FR_GLOBAL, get_user_flagrec, glob_halfop, glob_op, userrec::handle, invite_key, IRC_NOTONCHAN, chan_t::key, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), MISC_USAGE, chan_t::mode, chanset_t::name, newsplit, putlog, and u_pass_match.

00648 {
00649   struct chanset_t *chan;
00650   char *pass;
00651   struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
00653   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00654     return 1;
00656   pass = newsplit(&par);
00657   if (u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00658     /* Prevent people from getting key with no pass set */
00659     if (!u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00660       if (!(chan = findchan_by_dname(par))) {
00661         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: /MSG %s key <pass> <channel>\n",
00662                 nick, MISC_USAGE, botname);
00663         return 1;
00664       }
00665       if (!channel_active(chan)) {
00666         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: %s\n", nick, par, IRC_NOTONCHAN);
00667         return 1;
00668       }
00669       chan = findchan_by_dname(par);
00670       if (chan && channel_active(chan)) {
00671         get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, par);
00672         if (chan_op(fr) || chan_halfop(fr) || (glob_op(fr) && !chan_deop(fr)) ||
00673             (glob_halfop(fr) && !chan_dehalfop(fr))) {
00674           if (chan->channel.key[0]) {
00675             dprintf(DP_SERVER, "NOTICE %s :%s: key is %s\n", nick, par,
00676                     chan->channel.key);
00677             putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! KEY %s", nick, host, u->handle,
00678                    par);
00679             if (invite_key && (chan->channel.mode & CHANINV)) {
00680               dprintf(DP_SERVER, "INVITE %s %s\n", nick, chan->name);
00681             }
00682           } else {
00683             dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: no key set for this channel\n",
00684                     nick, par);
00685             putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! KEY %s", nick, host, u->handle,
00686                    par);
00687           }
00688         }
00689         return 1;
00690       }
00691     }
00692   }
00693   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed KEY %s", nick, host,
00694          (u ? u->handle : "*"), par);
00695   return 1;
00696 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_memory ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 877 of file msgcmds.c.

References DP_HELP, dprintf, userrec::handle, IRC_NOPASS, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newsplit, putlog, quiet_reject, tell_mem_status, and u_pass_match.

00878 {
00879   char *pass;
00881   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00882     return 1;
00884   if (!u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00885     pass = newsplit(&par);
00886     if (!u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00887       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed MEMORY", nick, host,
00888              u->handle);
00889       return 1;
00890     }
00891   } else {
00892     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed MEMORY", nick, host, u->handle);
00893     if (!quiet_reject)
00894       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOPASS);
00895     return 1;
00896   }
00897   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! MEMORY", nick, host, u->handle);
00898   tell_mem_status(nick);
00899   return 1;
00900 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_op ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 571 of file msgcmds.c.

References add_mode, chan_deop, chan_op, channel_active, chanset, chanset_t::dname, findchan_by_dname, FR_CHAN, FR_GLOBAL, get_user_flagrec, glob_op, userrec::handle, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newsplit, chanset_t::next, putlog, and u_pass_match.

00572 {
00573   struct chanset_t *chan;
00574   char *pass;
00575   struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
00577   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00578     return 1;
00580   pass = newsplit(&par);
00581   if (u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00582     if (!u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00583       if (par[0]) {
00584         chan = findchan_by_dname(par);
00585         if (chan && channel_active(chan)) {
00586           get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, par);
00587           if (chan_op(fr) || (glob_op(fr) && !chan_deop(fr)))
00588             add_mode(chan, '+', 'o', nick);
00589           putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! OP %s", nick, host, u->handle,
00590                  par);
00591           return 1;
00592         }
00593       } else {
00594         for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) {
00595           get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chan->dname);
00596           if (chan_op(fr) || (glob_op(fr) && !chan_deop(fr)))
00597             add_mode(chan, '+', 'o', nick);
00598         }
00599         putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! OP", nick, host, u->handle);
00600         return 1;
00601       }
00602     }
00603   }
00604   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! failed OP", nick, host);
00605   return 1;
00606 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_pass ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 122 of file msgcmds.c.

References DP_HELP, dprintf, userrec::flags, userrec::handle, IRC_CHANGEPASS, IRC_EXISTPASS, IRC_FAILPASS, IRC_NOPASS, IRC_PASS, IRC_PASSFORMAT, IRC_SETPASS, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newsplit, putlog, set_user, u_pass_match, USER_BOT, USER_COMMON, and USERENTRY_PASS.

00123 {
00124   char *old, *new;
00126   if (!u || match_my_nick(nick) || (u->flags & (USER_BOT | USER_COMMON)))
00127     return 1;
00129   if (!par[0]) {
00130     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick,
00131             u_pass_match(u, "-") ? IRC_NOPASS : IRC_PASS);
00132     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! PASS?", nick, host, u->handle);
00133     return 1;
00134   }
00135   old = newsplit(&par);
00136   if (!u_pass_match(u, "-") && !par[0]) {
00137     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_EXISTPASS);
00138     return 1;
00139   }
00140   if (par[0]) {
00141     if (!u_pass_match(u, old)) {
00142       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_FAILPASS);
00143       return 1;
00144     }
00145     new = newsplit(&par);
00146   } else
00147     new = old;
00148   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! PASS...", nick, host, u->handle);
00149   if (strlen(new) > 15)
00150     new[15] = 0;
00151   if (strlen(new) < 6) {
00152     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_PASSFORMAT);
00153     return 0;
00154   }
00155   set_user(&USERENTRY_PASS, u, new);
00156   dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s '%s'.\n", nick,
00157           new == old ? IRC_SETPASS : IRC_CHANGEPASS, new);
00158   return 1;
00159 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_rehash ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 942 of file msgcmds.c.

References do_restart, DP_HELP, dprintf, userrec::handle, LOG_CMDS, make_userfile, match_my_nick(), putlog, u_pass_match, USERF_REHASHING, and write_userfile.

00943 {
00944   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00945     return 1;
00947   if (u_pass_match(u, par)) {
00948     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! REHASH", nick, host, u->handle);
00949     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, USERF_REHASHING);
00950     if (make_userfile)
00951       make_userfile = 0;
00952     write_userfile(-1);
00953     do_restart = -2;
00954     return 1;
00955   }
00956   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed REHASH", nick, host, u->handle);
00957   return 1;
00958 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_reset ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 975 of file msgcmds.c.

References CHAN_RESETALL, chanset, DP_HELP, dprintf, findchan_by_dname, userrec::handle, IRC_NOMONITOR, IRC_NOPASS, IRC_RESETCHAN, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newsplit, chanset_t::next, putlog, quiet_reject, reset_chan_info(), and u_pass_match.

00976 {
00977   struct chanset_t *chan;
00978   char *pass;
00980   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00981     return 1;
00983   if (!u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00984     pass = newsplit(&par);
00985     if (!u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00986       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed RESET", nick, host,
00987              u->handle);
00988       return 1;
00989     }
00990   } else {
00991     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! failed RESET", nick, host);
00992     if (!quiet_reject)
00993       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOPASS);
00994     return 1;
00995   }
00996   if (par[0]) {
00997     chan = findchan_by_dname(par);
00998     if (!chan) {
00999       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: %s\n", nick, par, IRC_NOMONITOR);
01000       return 0;
01001     }
01002     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! RESET %s", nick, host, u->handle, par);
01003     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: %s\n", nick, par, IRC_RESETCHAN);
01004     reset_chan_info(chan, CHAN_RESETALL);
01005     return 1;
01006   }
01007   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! RESET ALL", nick, host, u->handle);
01008   dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_RESETCHAN);
01009   for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next)
01010     reset_chan_info(chan, CHAN_RESETALL);
01011   return 1;
01012 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_save ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 960 of file msgcmds.c.

References DP_HELP, dprintf, userrec::handle, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), putlog, u_pass_match, and write_userfile.

00961 {
00962   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00963     return 1;
00965   if (u_pass_match(u, par)) {
00966     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! SAVE", nick, host, u->handle);
00967     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :Saving user file...\n", nick);
00968     write_userfile(-1);
00969     return 1;
00970   }
00971   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed SAVE", nick, host, u->handle);
00972   return 1;
00973 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_status ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 788 of file msgcmds.c.

References admin, botname, botnetnick, botuserhost, channel_active, channel_pending, chanset, count_users, chanset_t::dname, DP_HELP, dprintf, expected_memory, userrec::handle, int, IRC_NOPASS, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), me_op(), MISC_ONLINEFOR, newsplit, chanset_t::next, now, online_since, putlog, quiet_reject, strncpyz, time_t, u_pass_match, userlist, and ver.

00789 {
00790   char s[256], *vers_t, *uni_t, *pass;
00791   int i;
00792   struct chanset_t *chan;
00793   time_t now2 = now - online_since, hr, min;
00795 #ifdef HAVE_UNAME
00796   struct utsname un;
00798   if (!uname(&un) < 0) {
00799 #endif
00800     vers_t = " ";
00801     uni_t  = "*unknown*";
00802 #ifdef HAVE_UNAME
00803   } else {
00804     vers_t = un.release;
00805     uni_t  = un.sysname;
00806   }
00807 #endif
00809   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00810     return 1;
00812   if (!u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00813     pass = newsplit(&par);
00814     if (!u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00815       putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed STATUS", nick, host,
00816              u->handle);
00817       return 1;
00818     }
00819   } else {
00820     putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! failed STATUS", nick, host, u->handle);
00821     if (!quiet_reject)
00822       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOPASS);
00823     return 1;
00824   }
00825   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! STATUS", nick, host, u->handle);
00827   i = count_users(userlist);
00828   dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :I am %s, running %s: %d user%s  (mem: %uk).\n",
00829           nick, botnetnick, ver, i, i == 1 ? "" : "s",
00830          (int) (expected_memory() / 1024));
00832   s[0] = 0;
00833   if (now2 > 86400) {
00834     /* days */
00835     sprintf(s, "%d day", (int) (now2 / 86400));
00836     if ((int) (now2 / 86400) >= 2)
00837       strcat(s, "s");
00838     strcat(s, ", ");
00839     now2 -= (((int) (now2 / 86400)) * 86400);
00840   }
00841   hr = (time_t) ((int) now2 / 3600);
00842   now2 -= (hr * 3600);
00843   min = (time_t) ((int) now2 / 60);
00844   sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], "%02d:%02d", (int) hr, (int) min);
00845   dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s %s.\n", nick, MISC_ONLINEFOR, s);
00847   if (admin[0])
00848     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :Admin: %s.\n", nick, admin);
00849   dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :OS: %s %s.\n", nick, uni_t, vers_t);
00850   dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :Online as: %s!%s.\n", nick, botname, botuserhost);
00852   /* This shouldn't overflow anymore -Wcc */
00853   s[0] = 0;
00854   strncpyz(s, "Channels: ", sizeof s);
00855   for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) {
00856     strncat(s, chan->dname, sizeof(s) - 1 - strlen(s));
00857     if (!channel_active(chan))
00858       strncat(s, " (trying)", sizeof(s) - 1 - strlen(s));
00859     else if (channel_pending(chan))
00860       strncat(s, " (pending)", sizeof(s) - 1 - strlen(s));
00861     else if (!me_op(chan))
00862       strncat(s, " (need ops)", sizeof(s) - 1 - strlen(s));
00863     strncat(s, ", ", sizeof(s) - 1 - strlen(s));
00864     if (strlen(s) > 140) {
00865       s[strlen(s) - 2] = 0; /* remove ', ' */
00866       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, s);
00867       s[0] = 0;
00868     }
00869   }
00870   if (strlen(s) > 10) {
00871     s[strlen(s) - 2] = 0; /* remove ', ' */
00872     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, s);
00873   }
00874   return 1;
00875 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_voice ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 701 of file msgcmds.c.

References add_mode, chan_halfop, chan_op, chan_voice, channel_active, chanset, chanset_t::dname, findchan_by_dname, FR_CHAN, FR_GLOBAL, get_user_flagrec, glob_halfop, glob_op, glob_voice, userrec::handle, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), newsplit, chanset_t::next, putlog, and u_pass_match.

00702 {
00703   struct chanset_t *chan;
00704   char *pass;
00705   struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
00707   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00708     return 1;
00710   pass = newsplit(&par);
00711   if (u_pass_match(u, pass)) {
00712     if (!u_pass_match(u, "-")) {
00713       if (par[0]) {
00714         chan = findchan_by_dname(par);
00715         if (chan && channel_active(chan)) {
00716           get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, par);
00717           if (chan_voice(fr) || glob_voice(fr) || chan_op(fr) || glob_op(fr)) {
00718             add_mode(chan, '+', 'v', nick);
00719             putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! VOICE %s", nick, host,
00720                    u->handle, par);
00721           } else
00722             putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! failed VOICE %s",
00723                    nick, host, par);
00724           return 1;
00725         }
00726       } else {
00727         for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) {
00728           get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chan->dname);
00729           if (chan_voice(fr) || glob_voice(fr) ||
00730               chan_op(fr) || glob_op(fr) || chan_halfop(fr) || glob_halfop(fr))
00731             add_mode(chan, '+', 'v', nick);
00732         }
00733         putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! VOICE", nick, host, u->handle);
00734         return 1;
00735       }
00736     }
00737   }
00738   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !*! failed VOICE", nick, host);
00739   return 1;
00740 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_who ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 356 of file msgcmds.c.

References bot_flags, BOT_SHARE, botname, chan_friend, chan_op, chanset_t::channel, channel_hidden, chanset_t::dname, DP_HELP, dprintf, egg_snprintf, findchan_by_dname, userrec::flags, FR_CHAN, FR_GLOBAL, get_handle_chaninfo(), get_user, get_user_by_host, get_user_flagrec, glob_friend, glob_op, hand_on_chan(), userrec::handle, IRC_CHANHIDDEN, IRC_NOMONITOR, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), chan_t::member, MISC_USAGE, my_strcpy, memstruct::next, memstruct::nick, putlog, UHOSTLEN, use_info, USER_BOT, USERENTRY_INFO, and memstruct::userhost.

00357 {
00358   struct chanset_t *chan;
00359   struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
00360   memberlist *m;
00361   char s[UHOSTLEN], also[512], *info;
00362   int i;
00364   if (!use_info || match_my_nick(nick))
00365     return 1;
00367   if (!u)
00368     return 0;
00370   if (!par[0]) {
00371     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: /msg %s who <channel>\n", nick,
00372             MISC_USAGE, botname);
00373     return 0;
00374   }
00375   chan = findchan_by_dname(par);
00376   if (!chan) {
00377     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_NOMONITOR);
00378     return 0;
00379   }
00380   get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, par);
00381   if (channel_hidden(chan) && !hand_on_chan(chan, u) &&
00382       !glob_op(fr) && !glob_friend(fr) && !chan_op(fr) && !chan_friend(fr)) {
00383     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, IRC_CHANHIDDEN);
00384     return 1;
00385   }
00386   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! WHO", nick, host, u->handle);
00387   also[0] = 0;
00388   i = 0;
00389   for (m = chan->channel.member; m && m->nick[0]; m = m->next) {
00390     struct userrec *u;
00392     egg_snprintf(s, sizeof s, "%s!%s", m->nick, m->userhost);
00393     u = get_user_by_host(s);
00394     info = get_user(&USERENTRY_INFO, u);
00395     if (u && (u->flags & USER_BOT))
00396       info = 0;
00397     if (info && (info[0] == '@'))
00398       info++;
00399     else if (u) {
00400       get_handle_chaninfo(u->handle, chan->dname, s);
00401       if (s[0]) {
00402         info = s;
00403         if (info[0] == '@')
00404           info++;
00405       }
00406     }
00407     if (info && info[0])
00408       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%9s] %s\n", nick, m->nick, info);
00409     else {
00410       if (match_my_nick(m->nick))
00411         dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%9s] <-- I'm the bot, of course.\n",
00412                 nick, m->nick);
00413       else if (u && (u->flags & USER_BOT)) {
00414         if (bot_flags(u) & BOT_SHARE)
00415           dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%9s] <-- a twin of me\n",
00416                   nick, m->nick);
00417         else
00418           dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%9s] <-- another bot\n", nick, m->nick);
00419       } else {
00420         if (i) {
00421           also[i++] = ',';
00422           also[i++] = ' ';
00423         }
00424         i += my_strcpy(also + i, m->nick);
00425         if (i > 400) {
00426           dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :No info: %s\n", nick, also);
00427           i = 0;
00428           also[0] = 0;
00429         }
00430       }
00431     }
00432   }
00433   if (i) {
00434     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :No info: %s\n", nick, also);
00435   }
00436   return 1;
00437 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static int msg_whois ( char *  nick,
char *  host,
struct userrec u,
char *  par 
) [static]

Definition at line 439 of file msgcmds.c.

References botname, chan_deop, chan_friend, chan_op, channel_hidden, chanset, xtra_key::data, chanset_t::dname, DP_HELP, dprintf, egg_snprintf, egg_strcasecmp, egg_strftime(), userrec::flags, FR_CHAN, FR_GLOBAL, get_chanrec(), get_user, get_user_by_handle, get_user_by_host, get_user_flagrec, glob_friend, glob_op, hand_on_chan(), userrec::handle, IRC_LASTSEENAT, IRC_NEVERJOINED, IRC_ONCHANNOW, ismember, xtra_key::key, chanuserrec::laston, LOG_CMDS, match_my_nick(), MISC_USAGE, xtra_key::next, chanset_t::next, NICKMAX, putlog, time_t, UHOSTLEN, USER_BOT, USER_BOTMAST, USER_MASTER, USER_OP, USER_OWNER, USER_VOICE, USERENTRY_INFO, USERENTRY_XTRA, USERF_NOUSERREC, memstruct::userhost, and userlist.

00440 {
00441   char s[UHOSTLEN], s1[81], *s2;
00442   int ok;
00443   struct chanset_t *chan;
00444   memberlist *m;
00445   struct chanuserrec *cr;
00446   struct userrec *u2;
00447   struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
00448   struct xtra_key *xk;
00449   time_t tt = 0;
00451   if (match_my_nick(nick))
00452     return 1;
00454   if (!u)
00455     return 0;
00457   if (!par[0]) {
00458     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s: /msg %s whois <handle>\n", nick,
00459             MISC_USAGE, botname);
00460     return 0;
00461   }
00462   if (strlen(par) > NICKMAX)
00463     par[NICKMAX] = 0;
00464   putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "(%s!%s) !%s! WHOIS %s", nick, host, u->handle, par);
00465   u2 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, par);
00466   if (!u2) {
00467     /* No such handle -- maybe it's a nickname of someone on a chan? */
00468     ok = 0;
00469     for (chan = chanset; chan && !ok; chan = chan->next) {
00470       m = ismember(chan, par);
00471       if (m) {
00472         egg_snprintf(s, sizeof s, "%s!%s", par, m->userhost);
00473         u2 = get_user_by_host(s);
00474         if (u2) {
00475           ok = 1;
00476           dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] AKA '%s':\n", nick,
00477                   par, u2->handle);
00478         }
00479       }
00480     }
00481     if (!ok) {
00482       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] %s\n", nick, par, USERF_NOUSERREC);
00483       return 1;
00484     }
00485   }
00486   s2 = get_user(&USERENTRY_INFO, u2);
00487   if (s2 && (s2[0] == '@'))
00488     s2++;
00489   if (s2 && s2[0] && !(u2->flags & USER_BOT))
00490     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] %s\n", nick, u2->handle, s2);
00491   for (xk = get_user(&USERENTRY_XTRA, u2); xk; xk = xk->next)
00492     if (!egg_strcasecmp(xk->key, "EMAIL"))
00493       dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] E-mail: %s\n", nick, u2->handle,
00494               xk->data);
00495   ok = 0;
00496   for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) {
00497     if (hand_on_chan(chan, u2)) {
00498       egg_snprintf(s1, sizeof s1, "NOTICE %s :[%s] %s: %s.", nick, u2->handle,
00499                    IRC_ONCHANNOW, chan->dname);
00500       ok = 1;
00501     } else {
00502       get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chan->dname);
00503       cr = get_chanrec(u2, chan->dname);
00504       if (cr && (cr->laston > tt) && (!channel_hidden(chan) ||
00505           hand_on_chan(chan, u) || (glob_op(fr) && !chan_deop(fr)) ||
00506           glob_friend(fr) || chan_op(fr) || chan_friend(fr))) {
00507         tt = cr->laston;
00508         egg_strftime(s, 14, "%b %d %H:%M", localtime(&tt));
00509         ok = 1;
00510         egg_snprintf(s1, sizeof s1, "NOTICE %s :[%s] %s %s on %s", nick,
00511                      u2->handle, IRC_LASTSEENAT, s, chan->dname);
00512       }
00513     }
00514   }
00515   if (!ok)
00516     egg_snprintf(s1, sizeof s1, "NOTICE %s :[%s] %s", nick, u2->handle,
00517                  IRC_NEVERJOINED);
00518   dprintf(DP_HELP, "%s\n", s1);
00519   if (u2->flags & USER_BOT)
00520     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] Status: bot\n", nick, u2->handle);
00521   else if (u2->flags & USER_OWNER)
00522     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] Status: global owner\n", nick, u2->handle);
00523   else if (u2->flags & USER_MASTER)
00524     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] Status: global master\n", nick, u2->handle);
00525   else if (u2->flags & USER_BOTMAST)
00526     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] Status: botnet master\n", nick, u2->handle);
00527   else if (u2->flags & USER_OP)
00528     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] Status: global op\n", nick, u2->handle);
00529   else if (u2->flags & USER_VOICE)
00530     dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :[%s] Status: global voice\n", nick, u2->handle);
00531   return 1;
00532 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

cmd_t C_msg[] [static]
Initial value:
  {"addhost", "",    (IntFunc) msg_addhost,  0 },
  {"die",     "n",   (IntFunc) msg_die,      0 },
  {"go",      "",    (IntFunc) msg_go,       0 },
  {"hello",   "",    (IntFunc) msg_hello,    0 },
  {"help",    "",    (IntFunc) msg_help,     0 },
  {"ident",   "",    (IntFunc) msg_ident,    0 },
  {"info",    "",    (IntFunc) msg_info,     0 },
  {"invite",  "o|o", (IntFunc) msg_invite,   0 },
  {"jump",    "m",   (IntFunc) msg_jump,     0 },
  {"key",     "o|o", (IntFunc) msg_key,      0 },
  {"memory",  "m",   (IntFunc) msg_memory,   0 },
  {"op",      "",    (IntFunc) msg_op,       0 },
  {"halfop",  "",    (IntFunc) msg_halfop,   0 },
  {"pass",    "",    (IntFunc) msg_pass,     0 },
  {"rehash",  "m",   (IntFunc) msg_rehash,   0 },
  {"reset",   "m",   (IntFunc) msg_reset,    0 },
  {"save",    "m",   (IntFunc) msg_save,     0 },
  {"status",  "m|m", (IntFunc) msg_status,   0 },
  {"voice",   "",    (IntFunc) msg_voice,    0 },
  {"who",     "",    (IntFunc) msg_who,      0 },
  {"whois",   "",    (IntFunc) msg_whois,    0 },
  { 0 ,       0 ,   0 ,                    0 }

Definition at line 1119 of file msgcmds.c.

Referenced by irc_close(), and irc_start().

Generated on 7 Sep 2016 for Eggdrop by  doxygen 1.6.1